The Source Of Innovation

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Tapping into the Source of Innovation

Tapping into the Source of Innovation


The organizations that effort to encounter the threats of disruptive innovation, well before they adversely affect the business, are aggressive and determinant towards opportunities of successful business. Identification of disruptive innovation requires a reflective focus on the innovative sources or disrupter that may be the people, technologies, and processes. After the identification of the sources of disruption, it is essential to achieve the future innovation through deep analysis of the potential weaknesses (Shehabuddeen, 2007, p. 37). Abdullatif Alissa Group is the Real Estate industry that would be identified and analyzed for the weaknesses and sources of disruptive innovative. The industry would be recommended for future innovative changes. Identifying the Sources of Disruptive innovation for the Abdullatif Alissa Group

Disruptive innovation is unavoidable if the offerings would not possess with improvements so, the business should take the opportunity of criticism against the new entrants in future. The real estate service is a mature industry and several companies are providing the same services as the Abdullatif Alissa Group; thus, there is no chance of open innovation (Shehabuddeen, 2007, p. 65). The real estate market of KSA is serving the sufficient space and the Abdullatif Alissa Group needs to realize the complexities of accelerating trends, as well as, customers' expectation. Sudden changes may arise from the new market opportunities that can be disruptive. Insufficient response from the market can develop enough disruptive space as the new target segments may affect the overall business model, the marketing channel and the supply chain (Shehabuddeen, 2007, p. 38). The identification process involves the following five steps.

The elements that can cause disruptive innovation includes 

The entrance into the target market segment of the Real estate industry of KSA

In order to achieve financial viability the industry intends to expand its market, which may emerge as the cause of disruptive innovation.

The disruption can appear by the implementation of new software technology.

Recruiting the new team or staff can be another source for the future risks.

The outsourcing from the third party for the solutions of processes can be disruptive.

The signals to identify the potential disruption


The collision of the existing and the upcoming capabilities related to software technology can be disruptive.

Collision of the existing and the new financial objectives and structures can cause potential risks

Interaction of the industry with the outsourcing solution provider (third party) can be complicated.

The current and new marketing strategies that may collide for changes (Shehabuddeen, 2007, p. 37).

Mutation and defection

Mutation and defection or repositioning can be risky, once the company establishes its hold on ...
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