The Social-Cultural And Educational Challenges Encountered By Newcomer Libyan Students In English Schools

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The Social-Cultural and Educational Challenges Encountered By Newcomer Libyan Students in English Schools


Chapter 3: Research Methodology & Design1


Introduction to Qualitative Approach1

Research Design7

Aims and Objectives14



Research Questions16

Rationale of this Study16

Data Collection Methods17

Participant Observations17

Challenges faced19

Observation diary20

Semi-structured Interviews21

Narrative Inquiry25

Interpretive Case Study30

Triangulation Strategy34

Data Collection Process38


Sampling Design39

Research Sample40


Validity and Reliability42

Ethical Considerations43

Transcription and Coding45

Presentation of the Data46



The Social-Cultural and Educational Challenges Encountered By Newcomer Libyan Students in English Schools



This chapter explains in detail about the research design and the chosen research methodology for this study. Within this chapter, the core aspects that will be discussed include the research design, data collection, and sampling design. This section of the dissertation is of crucial importance as it provides a detailed account and justification behind the selected research design. Similarly, the methodology applied to conduct any study is the most important aspect of any research study; hence this chapter holds great importance for this study. Although, being a descriptive chapter it would suffice as an extensive guideline to the chosen methodology, focusing upon discussing about the research tools chosen by the researcher for this study. This chapter begins by providing an introduction to the qualitative approach.

Introduction to Qualitative Approach

Defining qualitative research

According to Amaratunga, (2002) there is no definite statement that defines qualitative research in its true terms. This is largely because of the fact that theory, topic and methodology are interlinked concepts in qualitative research. This particular form of research is conducted through a labour intensive and prolonged field research. This field research places importance on the time duration and the relationship of the researcher with their research sample and the situation that they are currently studying. In general, any field oriented research study could be dedicated to the studying of ordinary situations that may be reflective of the daily lives of its research participants, groups, societies and individuals. Undoubtedly, these undertaken researches are of great interest for the researcher. In certain aspects, all data is considered qualitative and is usually referred to the issues that are related with situations, objects and people. This leads to questioning the importance of the qualitative data that is gathered by the researcher. Of which, the appropriate answer would be that the major feature for qualitative research is that it focuses upon the events, ordinary or extra-ordinary, that occur naturally in their environment. This also highlights upon the view of how the 'real life' is truly like. Other important aspects of this approach is that it is rich and holistic showing great potential for revealing complex trends or patterns which may not have been identified otherwise.

Thus, this data provides rich and vivid descriptions that are nested in real life context and have element of truth associated with them. Another quality about this research approach is that as it is collected or gathered by the researcher over a prolonged period of time. This makes the data collected more powerful to study using any relevant research tool or technique. Importantly, it also allows for flexibility of varying the data tools and ...
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