The Six Branches Of Philosophy

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The Six Branches of Philosophy

The Six Branches of Philosophy


Philosophy is the main feature of our daily lives, and is highly regarded due to its great influences on most of the situations of everyday life. The solution of issues and problems of our daily lives are associated with the concept of philosophy i.e. existence, knowledge, mind, values and language for the interaction in the environment. Philosophy is the term which is not restricted to theory only, as it has a significant impact in our practical lives.


Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy dealing with the initial studies of the nature of reality, the world and life itself. In general, this branch of philosophy attempts to answers questions like 'What is the cause of causes?' and 'What is the existence of a source?' In all, metaphysics studies the nature of structure and its principles (Okoro 2006).

It involves analyzing general features of reality in our lives. For instance, different events and objects, their peoperties, reason for existence and the relationship of body and the mind. The study of metaphysics will help us the basic principles that constitute man's control of the world (Rachels & Rachels 2010). It will enable us to see how 'real' the world is. It may help us in determining how physical world is the consequent of the spiritual world, or how spiritual world is the consequent of the physical world.

I have always remained concerned about the existence of fate. Fate or destiny is a power which, according to some beliefs, would fix irrevocably the course of events. On the other hand, free will is free will, without constraints, with the power to decide, to act as one pleases.


Epistemology is the branch of philosophy with 'knowledge' as its primary object of study. It deals with historical, psychological and sociological aspects related to attainment of knowledge. However, the authors dealing with the epistemology are not far from achieving unanimous agreement about the main problems they face, nor even have agreement on the nature of the discipline in which they operate. According to Javier Monserrat, the broad levels at which the reflection of the epistemologist move around scientific objectives based on self-observation of man's experience.

The problems posed today by the epistemology belong to two groups. Some are general, as they cover all the sciences. Others are specific to each group of sciences, refers to a single science or a branch of a particular science. First, epistemology raises problems concerning the relations between the various sciences and the plurality of the sciences. Second, epistemology concerns with the problem of relations between the two groups of science: the formal sciences on the one hand, including logic and mathematics, and science of reality, on the other.

It covers different relationships and can be utilized in daily life in order to analyze relationships like relationships between truth and belief and the justification theories. It helps us to think in a critical way.


Ethics relate with the philosophical study of morality. Ethics define the values and virtues ...
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