The Scientist In The Crib

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The Scientist in the Crib


This book The Scientist in the Crib: What Early Learning Tells Us about the Mind is written by Alison Gopnik Andrew N. Meltzoff Andrew N. Meltzoff. Like every other book this book even has a special dedication towards a subject of psychology. This book focuses on the life and development of babies, it tells us how babies and young children learn and to what extent they are taught by their parents. It is quite obvious that there is a very high influence of the environment on the children, and it is because of the environment that they react to different situations. The book even tells us that the instinct of human beings forces them to learn, and it is part of the human nature to both learn and teach. (Gopnik and Meltzoff, 2000). This book even tells us about the similarities between the adults and children, and also those activities that children follow during their childhood and keep on following them till the end. This book gives all those individuals a brief idea about the activities of children and helps them to understand children in a much better way.

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Someone who is looking forward to get down to the latest studies done in the field of psychology and is looking to get to understand children, this book would be the best option he or she could opt for. This book is written in such a fascinating manner that from the beginning till the end, the book is full of surprising facts about how children or infants develop their mental activities, and it gives us the structure of the experiment used to deduce such information. If we ever wonder why children mimic us or why they act in an absurd manner, this book to a great extent reveals all those secrets. This book even says that a 2 month old child is as intelligent as a student who has graduated, but the fact is that the children have less of expression, which means that they cannot express as efficiently as a graduate student, and the children are less on experience and exposure (Gopnik and Meltzoff, 2000). This book argues that the brain that the children have is the same as the brain that adults have, and if all that exposure that adults have been through, if that exposure is given to the children, they would certainly act like adults as well.

This book has such a fascinating style of expression, that it develops the interest of the reader in the initial stages; in short this book can be called as a beautiful piece of writing. I read this book for a book group and began without much interest. This book for no doubt can be called a book of perfection with knowledge. Some people are using it as if it was some sort of a guide to handle the children with safety and care. Rather it is an examination of the status of research into ...
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