The Role Of Neuroscience For The Selection And Development Of Leaders

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The Role of Neuroscience for the Selection and Development of Leaders

The Role of Neuroscience for the Selection and Development of Leaders


This paper is formulated to develop an understanding in context to the role of neuroscience that how it can be utilized to select or develop future leaders. Though, this is principally a management assignment, but there are various arguments generated on the factual studies of biology, to argue the phenomenon of leadership. There are various literary articles and researches incorporated in this paper, to provide a strong basis to the arguments being generated in the paper. Firstly, there is the concept of neuroscience need to be discussed to fully understand the basis of this study.

Description to Neuroscience

Today, neuroscience is increasingly present in the whole society, and many sectors have included (but with very different objectives) the interest of their contributions on the knowledge of human functioning: economics, marketing, management and even the legal world. Which characterize the neurosciences and made ??considerable progress in recent years, it is their observation of living brains, thanks to medical imaging technologies. They thus allow the observation of the brain in action, to understand the psychological processes that include motivational and relational behavior (Rock, D. 2010).

If we can reasonably expect that the coming years will allow fascinating discoveries, neuroscience have already made considerable progress in the understanding of human brain function, behavior, intelligence and thought (Kussrow, P 2001). They brought a new credibility to psychology that today shines means of rigorous scientific investigation, neuropsychiatry and neuropsychology. Neuroscience is regarded as an important academic field of study concerning biological substrates, which underlie with cognitive abilities. It works with a particular focus on the neural substrates regarding the distinctive processing of mind (Bernhut, S. 2011). It addresses the problems and queries about how a psychological or cognitive functioning is originated by the brain. Neuroscience is a connected branch of psychology, which overlaps with some disciplines such as cognitive psychology, neuropsychology, and physiological psychology. Neuroscience based upon several theories and assumptions in cognitive science along with some proofs and evidences from computational modeling, and neuropsychology (Bernhut, S. 2011). Because of its multidisciplinary nature, the neuroscientists of cognitions have wide variety of study backgrounds which include disciplines of neurobiology, psychiatry, bioengineering, physics, neurology, linguistics, mathematics, management, computer science, logic, and philosophy.

Advantages for Neuroscience for the Selection and Development of Leaders

Leadership and personal development can be most effectively integrated into business and entrepreneurial training program when approached through the gate in neuroscience. The brains of humans allow us to involve conscious reasoning, choices and to imagine possibilities beyond what already a phenomenon.

We can actually choose whether to control the brain or whether the brain is controlling us. Leadership training is based in large part from the way our brains and behavior works. For case in point, an individual during his eleven years as an educator, she has achieved great success. She combines advances in neuroscience research with leadership theories and can by interpreting how people use the right and left ...