The Role Of Family

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The Role of Family

Executive Summary

The paper focuses on describing the role of family and how they play their role today. It also highlights the Family influences and how the family is also simultaneously influenced by the culture in which it is situated. However, today, in the twenty-first century west, we are struggling through a cultural dysfunction of almost unparalleled magnitude. The culture and the family are now in conflict, to the detriment of both. Thus, the family, based on the emotional relationship and economic security is now more unstable. Birth control, education and working life of women have provided many young people give up their family ties, and the variety of family types has increased to the point that even the institution threatened with extinction.

The Role of Family


The local understandings of family and tradition dictate the prioritization of family stability, provide norms for acceptable behavior within the family setting, and justify the choice to live in an impoverished rural community. Finally, moral discourses around the family and gender norms facilitate adaptation to the new structural conditions. Economic and labor market changes have produced a crisis in masculine identity, which flexible gender discourses around active fathering can help to resolve (Parkin, 2010, Pp 45-63).

“Family is a basic social unit consisting of parents and their children, considered as a group, whether dwelling together or not: the traditional family.”

The family is a company with more human, which can be managed effectively through sincere efforts and commitments. The commitments should be visible in many crucial areas.

Marriage and family relate to each other as cause and effect: the family comes from the marriage. It is true that today's culture sector offers other family models resulting from various combinations: stable unions without permanent link or even male or female homosexual union. But the Christian faith, with a serious anthropological and supported in the teaching of Scripture, says the family based on marriage as a stable institution, legally recognized, which guarantees not only the mutual rights and duties, but also with children born in marriage. The new type of family they propose is the effect these social sectors, and partly cause of a crisis affecting the family institution. This crisis is denounced by representatives of nearly all public institutions, civil and ecclesiastical (Kirkpatrick, 2010, 123-142).

Both positive and negative aspects are signs that the family undergoes changes in the concrete form made through history. In this sense, it is advisable not to put too much emphasis on the word "crisis"; it means that some elements are replaced. It is logical that the family meets the sensibilities of the time.

What is morality?

The general definition is that it has to do with what is right and what is wrong. However, according to cognitive scientists, sociologists, and philosophers, there is more to morality. Firstly, morality is a conceptual system. Secondly, it is a socially shared cultural system within a given community. Thirdly, it is experientially based.

In most communities, regardless of their specific culture and specific ...
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