The Role Of Cities In The Protection Of Environment

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The role of cities in the protection of environment

The Role of Cities in the Protection of Environment


Our planet is gong to be changed so there is a lot of things that have affect the environment in such a bad way but there Is positive things as well that everyone play and engaged for helping to reduce the environment issue (Gates & Robert, 2012), there are many things that through which cities can perform major role to save this plant that includes electricity, pollution, rubbish, deforestation etc. in today's world the most important challenge that would face by the leader is to how they grew and generating the employment in such way that helps for keeping the humanity's footprint under with planetary boundaries (Delbard, 2011). There is need of promoting the perfect kinds of economic growth to response over these challenges and that includes the individual level of government including cities as well for representing the sub-national level. Rio+20 share the come of most the keen achievement from the Mayors of Covenant and European green capital. They have concern more about the development in future and the making connection with similar experiences form other continents that Europe (


Road to Sustainable development

In June 1972 the first United Nation Environment program was emerged as the results for the conference occurrence Human Environment in United Nations. At that particular time there is a need for coordination in the Activates of United Nations that assists for developing countries and help for implementing such environmental policies in each cities of these countries that sound particularly good and sound policies (Casper, 2012). The activities at that time were based on six major priorities that involved Changes in climates, efficient uses of resources, disasters and conflicts, governance of environment, harmful substances and the wastage of hazardous and the management of Ecosystem. The head quarters of that program were to be selected in Nairobi, the city of Kenya and there were six regional offices also established is different part of Europe that based in Geneva (

The overall objective of that program which known as United Nation Environment program was based on the political commitment renovation and making sustainable development. The plan was also made for the decision which should be taking for future actions will be explicitly focus on the two important and key interlinked theme in the sustainability of global.

Green Economy and eradication in poverty

The program of United Nation has the basic objective for making the environment green and that result for making the improved well beings of humanity and for making the equity in social perspectives. There is a stresses role from the international financial institutions that preparation for the highlighted seven areas that that need to attention from some important priorities such as; food security, decent jobs, sustainable of agriculture, disaster readiness, water and oceans readiness were includes (

Framework for Institutional development

This is the first important program that is concern more efficient that others know governance structure. This is one of the particular debates that upgrade ...
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