The Role Of Art In Modern Society

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The Role of Art in Modern Society


Art has been the most important part of mankind. The world in which we are living today comprises of different scenarios that are not possible to express. Through Art, people express their emotions, different colors, subject, texture used by artists induce feelings which formulate message in clearer version. According to different researches, Art play important role in society and at different times it utter diverse issues such as sciences, religion, politic and history.


Today, each product has been selling with reference of the art work. At times, it provides an opportunity to buy and this could present it-self deviously such as a product you like that you friend had or a product you saw over the billboard. Beside this, at times the chance to buy presents itself directly in terms of sales-person or still a manifest advertisement of certain class influence once to purchase (Mattick, p. 11, 2012).

Majority of the time, advertisement educates us and provides us with different opportunities, at least through advertisement people learn regarding a product. No matter it is commercial or a radio spot or a billboard, these are all part of advertisement.

Advertisements inconsistency emerges in the way they are presented such as humorous or serious or what type of art direction it is. The further discussion would be on the print advertisement which employs artistic approach for selling their products and services. At times, these employ glamour shots, along with this huge picture that maneuvered for conveying a particular point. In this essay we would be discussing few artistic advertisements and these artistic advertisements have certain point/ message that have been communicated to the people in a very creative manner (Green, Svinth, p. 8, 2012).

Selling an Art

Bayer Nazol: Smells of the World, Countryside

Finest advertisement has been termed as those advertisements which are bit over overstated. The following picture is the best example. This shows that if we buy and utilize this product, we will be able to smell everything. The nose presented in this picture formulates fun.

Top Digital: Paradise

The following illustration is for audio company in order to demonstrate how they have been using sounds. These sounds are used to generate their paradise. In this picture there are crazy designs and shapes for creating a finished product.

BWF Badminton

The following ad focus is on motion and energy and this has been shaped via badminton. For few people, badminton is not exciting; nevertheless, through extremely creative badminton ad, message has been communicated to the people that this sport is much exhilarating (Mattick, p. 35, 2003).

Cocaine: Amy

In this picture a mysterious communication has been implied in quasi-interesting art. This is though a bit controversial piece but this picture did an immense work for those who squabble to be an icon.

Yellow Pages: Coffee

Art has not been limited to drawing and painting rather it is also a way once composing something. The following picture is a collage of some kind of envisaging a coffee cup and ...
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