“the Road Not Taken” By Robert Frost

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“The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost

“The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost


One of the famous lyrical poems by Robert Frost is “The Road Not Taken" that comprises of four stanzas having five lines each. The poem is termed as lyrical because it takes into consideration the poet's feelings and the emotions instead of presenting the readers with a story or a delightful o0bservation. The poem is written in a simple language that can be read by even a child but the meaning is very complex that it can be discussed in long debates and essays. The poem was published in the year 1916 by Holt and Company Publishers. Fortunately the poem is a part of the first poetry book famous with the name of Mountain Interval and it got printed in United States. Robert Frost is famous as an American poet who is highly regarded by the audience for his depictions of real life in his work. He has a command over the American informal speech. He used the clear themes in his poems so as to make people aware about the social and psychological themes prevailing in a society.

This essay will make an analysis of the foster one of the remarkable poetic piece “The Road Not Taken”. The thesis statement for the essay is the main idea that the Foster is trying to convey with the help of his poem. Foster exclaimed that in the course of life, every individual faces a situation when he or she has to choose among the many convenient roads, so it is better that one should make a wiser decision to choose a way instead of standing still and waiting for some miracle to happen.


The narrator of the poem faces a dilemma when on the way through yellow woods he faces a division of roads. The narrator took a way and said to himself that one day he will surely come back to the yellow woods in order to try the other road. However, soon he realized that it might not be possible for him to come back to the place because the road he had taken might take t] him to some other forks. At the end of the poem, the narrator wonders the difference in journey elements if he had taken the other road.

The element that inspired Foster to write this poem is the land scape in rural Gloucestershire, England. The rhyme scheme that Foster had used shows the following pattern (1) abaab, (2) cdccd, (3) efeef, (4) ghggh. (Cumming, 2006) It provides support to the overall meaning of the poem as each line ends in a restrict manner with a masculine sound.

The main themes of the poem includes

Individualism: This is the main theme of the poem as the narrator makes a decision to travel at his own without taking anyone with him “Road less traveled” (Frost, 1916, Stanza 4, Line 19). He took the way for travelling that moist of the travelers usually avoids taking ...
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