The Road Not Taken

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The Road Not taken


The essay is a personal response that includes a decision that has been made in the life that includes a general theme of the poem from two different perspectives, one of the authors, and the other from an individual's perspective. The element that affects the author and how the author is affected is studied and explained in detail. The author very clearly portrays human nature and imagination as they are intrigued by the mystery of the stars, as they look up to them and seek guidance, which I will be implicating over my personal life. Through out time, man has looked at the stars not knowing what they really are, seeking guidance in any way possible. The “Choose Something like a Star, is one of the master pieces of Roberts Frost, is an amazing piece of literature relating to human needs to by individuals. It is essential to see between the lines as it also relates to love a person should have on himself, and not to rely on others. The thesis statement could conclude my perspective of looking towards everyday life, and how daily decision of life. Hence the theme in "Choose Something like a Star" can is apparent as being an individual, and taking a bath that separated one from all the others (Robert, pp.98).


My story started with a day when I have fallen in love, with a person who was my best friend. Things changed, as if I am in a fantasy land. It feels like it's a sky full of stars that were shining just for me and praying for my happiness and love. It was more of a dream comes true of having a wonderful partner. Far away in sky I could not still believe that my life changes so well, day and ...
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