The Right Brain Vs The Left Brain: How Does This Impact Learning?

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The Right Brain Vs The Left Brain: How Does This Impact Learning?

The Right Brain Vs The Left Brain: How Does This Impact Learning?


One might witnessed that his or her child has completely different learning style. The left brain child more interested in doing workbooks and initiating work on his own. However, the right brainer prefer discussion and projects that associated with workbooks and also show a slight bit advanced maintenance during school day, thus requiring more time for communication. As the curriculum taught in schools mostly based on left brain manner that is focusing on sequential and auditory features, as well as writing. Whereas, the children who are right brainer might sometimes feel left out and thus face difficulties in learning and retaining the curriculum material. Therefore, based on the mentioned issues, the following research paper is formulated to identify different learning characteristics of right and left brainer, and also learning strategies has been formulated to teach the right brainers.


Left Brain Learner Characteristics

Following are some of the common characteristics of left brain learner;

Likes to plan on daily and weekly basis

Memorizing can be best done by repetition (writing or auditory)

Prefers to work independently

Find mathematical problems interesting and they are good in it

Perform well in computer and self paced curriculum

Prefer to make list of different activities and check them when the tasks are completed

Right Brain Learner Characteristics

Below mentioned are the different characteristics that shared by the right brain learner;

Much involved in spontaneous events as compared with planned events. They prefer change

Memorize through different means, for instance, by meaning, colors, emotions in material or story

Not involved in planning for whole day

Not involved in item sequentially but skips different tasks and work

Face difficulty in solving mathematical problem and find it boring

Similarly, not perform well in computer ...
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