The Repeal Of The Army Don't Ask Don't Tell Policy

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The Repeal of the Army Don't Ask Don't Tell Policy

The Repeal of the Army Don't Ask Don't Tell Policy

Cover Letter

The purpose of the essay is to highlight the claim that repealing the Don't Ask, Don't Tell legislation provides a benefit to the United States of America's Armed Forces. The message gained from the research suggests that equality for all needs to be accepted according to the constitution and provides evidence of improvement in performance. The hope of this argumentative essay is to illustrate to other readers that homosexuality is not a crime or should be restricted; instead equality should be given on all.

I learned that equality and justice is given to all American Citizens. It is not always that having a different sexual orientation will lead to biasness, especially in the army.

The difficulties I gathered included finding relevant research, verifying points of view, and fixing grammar issues in editing.

The best part of the assignment was learning something new about the country and how it will improve equality rights in the future.

I decided this topic on the basis of the rights of every human. Every individual is made of the same blood and bones as a human. No individual deserves to be treated poorly because of their orientation.

Try to understand the perspectives of the law and witness the change in history when the rights of lesbians, gays, and bisexuals are accepted in the Armed Forces. Orientation is not a crime.


The repeal of the Don't Ask, Don't Tell (DADT) act was implemented to provide the rights of all homosexuals. President Obama, Admiral Mullen, and Secretary Panetta provided the official recognition required for the act to pass in congress on the 22nd of July, 2011. The repeal execution ended 2 months later and on 20th of September, 2011, the policy ceased to exist. The primary attribution of the repeal in the DADT was to provide the equal rights to all people and not provide injustices according to sexual orientation. In order to understand the repeal perspective, the oppositions claim with its strength and weaknesses, and the actual implementation of the repeal has been discussed.


The claim that is supported is the repeal of the Don't Ask, Don't Tell Act to provide equality, and fairness of all sexual orientations.


President Clinton and Congress passed legislation in 1993 after several months of political controversy, study, and debate. The policy established was regarding homosexuality in the army. This new statute focused on the compromise administered on the American military's policy toward Armed Forces members engaging in homosexual activities. This law was defined as the Don't Ask, Don't Tell (DADT) Act stating that armed forces displaying intent to engage in homosexual acts could create an unacceptable risk regarding the quality standards of discipline, morale, good order, and unit cohesion, demonstrating the capability of the American military. The members of the service were not allowed to ask about, or to discuss regarding the sex orientation. The compromise was found on many occasions not compatible and the issue was highly criticized ...
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