The Relationship Between Ceo Compensation And Organizational Outcomes: An Empirical Study In Healthcare Industry by

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The Relationship between CEO Compensation and Organizational Outcomes: An Empirical Study in Healthcare Industry


Section 2. Overall Methodology and Approach

2.1 Research Design

Describe your research design in words. See Instructions.

A detailed examination of the objectives of the study will enable us in highlighting the statement that is the aim of the research. The study will include theoretical understanding of the research methods and the techniques that will be integrated, incorporating the market research and illustrating the research process developed for a detailed model. A detailed debate will be provided by using the primary and secondary sources to gather qualitative data.

2.2 Approach

Quantitative approaches include experimental, quasi-experimental, or non-experimental. Please state the approach, then how it is consistent with your research problem/question. See Instructions for details.

Qualitative approach used for the study has taken into consideration sample from the Forbes magazine and Standard & Poor's Compustat data to find out the answers related to the research questions.

2.3 Methodological Model

Describe the statistical model. If using a particular quantitative model (e.g., structural equation modeling or a specific kind of regression analysis), describe it here. The model must align with the research question. If not, type N/A. See Instructions for details.

The regression model that is taken into consideration for the current research is as following:

Proposed equation:

CEO Total Compensation = a0 + a1 Sizei,t-1 + a2 Number of Patientsi,t-1 + a3 Tenurei,t + a4 Performancei,t-1 + a5 Leveragei,t-1 + eit where;

Variables = Size, Performance, Number of Patients, Tenure, Performance and Leverage and a - Constant

2.4 Rationale

Discuss how your design is suited to answering your research question(s). See Instructions for details.

The use of qualitative research is not just assumptions but it is based on situations observed from the society. The dominant methodology in the current study is qualitative approach which is to describe and explain features of the objective that are based on reality by collecting logical data on observable behaviors of samples and by subjecting these data to statistical analysis. In this approach, in order to make generalization and objectivity of the research it is emphasized that by using neutral scientific language will support us in finding out the objective of the research

Section 3. Framework, Constructs, Variables, Operational Definitions

3.1 Theoretical Framework

Describe the business theory base that guides or focuses this study or defines the constructs it will investigate. See Instructions.

The base theory for the study is based upon the literature review mentioned above in the study that is collected with the help of secondary sources like journals, article, magazine and etc. The theoretical framework is based upon realism, deductive and inductive research methodology.

3.2 Unit(s) of Analysis

Describe the unit(s) of analysis for this study. Typically, the unit of analysis will be individual or group. Multiple research questions may require different units of analysis. See Instructions.

CEO's working at upper level in 100 healthcare organizations are considered as a unit for the study.

3.3 Constructs

Define each construct required by the research question and title. Provide citations showing your theoretical framework. Number each ...