The Purpose Of Moral Rules Is To Solve Collective Action Problems

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The Purpose of Moral Rules is to Solve Collective Action Problems

The Purpose of Moral Rules is to Solve Collective Action Problems


The paper is designed to argue on the basic purpose of moral rules for solving collective problems of action. Collective action problem is the significant issue which requires sacrifices in order to gain mutual goal. This essay is intended to elaborate the significant role of people's behavior and attitude in solving collective action problems. First, I will argue that moral rules provide guidance to the society to make distinction between attitude and behavior that are desirable and obligatory for the collective society. Second, I will argue how they assist the members of any particular group or community to comply with the expected values of the group or community. Third, I will demonstrate the importance of moral rules in order to solve problems of collective action problems.

What is Collective Action Problem?

Collective action problem defines a state where numerous individuals take benefit from certain action and has joint cost making, but one individual is bound to undertake the responsibility or solve it singly. Moreover, collective action problem comes whenever a group of people face problems which cannot be resolved without the effort of an individual's charge to bear the additional burden while retaining the same benefit ratio (Coase, 1937). For instance, the communal group of pasture wants their cows to gaze as much as they can. Here the collective action problem can take place and one has to compromise in between.


Moral rules consist of code of ethics that guide people about what is morally right and wrong. There are number of moral rules which are simple for common people to understand and follow. Moral rules identify the attitude and behavior which are prohibited by the authoritative set of moral rules. They restrict people to avoid behavior that is exclusively beneficial for them with the expense of collective group.

Olson provided his controversial statement that the rational selection of individual heads to the position where individuals with high resources bear heavy burden in the supply of public goods than to poor. It has been observed that poor individuals usually contain little choice, but they normally select the strategy of free riding. Therefore, these people attempt to take benefit from the public goods without taking part to its supply (Kraakman, Davies, 2004). It might support the under-production which means inefficient production of the public good. One of the major problems that our society is facing includes the concept of “free riding”. Free riding is the behavior of an individual to get advantage of others. They are basically those people who do not show their efforts in achieving the overall goals and objectives of the whole group. However, they enjoy all the benefits that come from the hard work of those people who contribute in achieving positive and successful outcomes. Therefore, moral rules compel an individual to contribute his or her role for the betterment of whole collective ...