The Problem Of Identity For Both Newly-Arrived Immigrants And Native Inhabitants

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The problem of identity for both newly-arrived immigrants and native inhabitants




Problems that deal with multiculturalism2

This is England2

Cultural references3

Identity and racism4

Post World War 2 comparison4

Defining identity in a multicultural society5

Identification of Identity in a multicultural society6



The problem of identity for both newly-arrived immigrants and native inhabitants


The world we live in is growing ever diverse with additional emphasis on multicultural societies. The increase in the trend of multiculturalism brings with it a set of advantages, and its own problems. Evaluating the problems immigrants and natives may have to face in a diverse and multicultural society, it is best to evaluate the scenario in respect to identity crisis, and “This is England”, a movie which touches these factors with a different perspective. To evaluate these identities and the factors that influence them and their problems, it is important to understand what multicultural means.


Multiculturalism is subject to divergent and sometimes conflicting interpretations. The term initially emerged in the Anglo-American world - as a model of public policy and a philosophy or social thought in reaction to cultural uniformity in times of globalization. The adjective multicultural generally refers to the variety presented by the cultures in the society to solve the same human individual needs. Additionally they all should have equal opportunities to develop socially, economically and politically in harmony according to their ethnic traditions, religious and ideological. According to multiculturalism, States should institutionally articulate policies to reflect the plurality of cultures. It is safe to say that multiculturalism is the only way to have a tolerant and democratic country in the world where there is a deep-seated conflict between cultures, assuring different values. The attempt to establish universal norms inevitably leads to racism and tyranny, creating additional benefits in having a diverse society.

Problems that deal with multiculturalism

Different peoples and cultures have different values, beliefs and truths, each of which can be considered valid. Many of these values and truths were incommensurate, they are not only incompatible, but they are not comparable because there is no common language in most cases. There are not detached thoughts, and universal point of view can be judged by the demands of all different cultures effectively. Incommensurability of cultural values is, according to pluralism, diversity (multicultural societies) is the best defense against tyranny and against the ideologies such as racism, which, label people inferior to others. In a response to having so many problems, it is important (especially in the UK perspective) to let people practice their own culture, but as long as they can take British citizenship, and strictly abide to the UK laws, and learn the language, and contribute to this country and to swear loyalty to the country during the war, there should be no problem. This is when you can perfectly separate cultures with divided loyalties, which have problems and hatred (Back, L. 1996, Pp. 13).

This is England

To understand the essence the film has in regards to multicultural societies, and the problems immigrants and indigenous people face in a diverse society, it is important to have an independent look at the movie. This film was created in 1983, followed by four parts of the TV series in ...
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