The Primary Healthcare Clinic

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The primary healthcare clinic

The primary healthcare clinic

Social, economic and political factors that may affect the development of the clinic

Socioeconomic factors have over lasting effects over the living standards of the people and in attaining a good primary healthcare. People who are socioeconomically strong can adopt better healthcare facilities as compare to people those are socioeconomically weak. People having better economic and social status are normally well educated, and they do have control over various things such as good salaries, better friend circle and better employment opportunities which helps them in attaining better healthcare facilities. People who do not have stable jobs and earning sources are not economically strong, and they cannot afford better healthcare services. These uncertain conditions are increasing the diseases among the socioeconomically weak people. They normally locate the clinics in small areas that are cheap and do not provide better healthcare services.

The social factor that helps in influencing the clinic includes the social trends, cultural traditions and the different values related to society and patients. The manager should keep on changing the structure of the clinic keeping in view the different attitudes of the community. The clinic must be located in an area where there are more requirements of quality health care services. The manager should also keep in view the different demographic changes within the population to provide better healthcare facilities. In order to attain the attraction of such socioeconomically strong people the healthcare facilities must be improved and the clinic must keep on updating their technologies and healthcare facilities according to the advancements in the field of nursing and healthcare (Berman, 2000).

Apart from social and economic factors the development of clinics is also affected by the political influences. The political factors influence the development of clinics by their amendments in existing laws and creating new laws. The political factors help in improving the budget of healthcare facilities by allocating sufficient funds in the sector of the primary healthcare sector. This allows the people of the community to get better healthcare. The political forces also help in promoting awareness programs and purchasing latest equipment for the basic healthcare units.

Comprehensive Mission Statement

Mission statement of any clinic is the expression of aims and objectives of the clinic and the methodology to attain those aims and objectives. In mentioning the mission statement the clinic must keep in view the major factors that influence the patients and the goals the clinic need to achieve in the future. The mission statement must focus on providing excellent healthcare services to the people and society. This can be done by the participation of physicians and doctors working in the clinic apart from that other paramedic staff at the hospital. The clinic must also focus over recognition of the values of the values of the staff in catering the healthcare needs of the community (Peterson, 1999).

The mission statement of this clinic can be as following

We aim to provide the quality healthcare to the community using state of art facilities under one ...
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