The Prevention Of Chronic Diseases Non-Communicable Adult (Ncds): Basics To Implement Community-Based Programs

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The Prevention of Chronic Diseases Non-communicable Adult (NCDs): Basics To Implement Community-Based Programs

The Prevention of Chronic Diseases Non-communicable Adult (NCDs): Basics to Implement Community-Based Programs


Non-communicable adult (NCDs) chronic diseases today are the main health problem in the country. A long list made up this group. To narrow the problem has used the definition of the Center for Disease Control (CDC), which says they are "diseases of unknown etiology, usually multi-causal, with long periods of incubation or latency, subclinical long periods, prolonged clinical course with episodic frequency, without specific treatment and without spontaneous resolution in time. It is practical to address the issue of preventing ECNTA together as primary prevention is common. This prevention program refers the problem trying to group as a unit will be addressed (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2009).

Target population

The importance acquired by NCDs and specific prevention options they present, place them as priority, and indicate that it is urgent to take action to address them. This priority is supported by the results of our studies on the subject, showing that the prevalence of risk factors mentioned is very high in the adult population, similar to that of industrialized communities when they were in the same stage of transition epidemiological 30 years, but Chile still exhibit high rates of mortality than those communities had at that time. Therefore, barring a preventive action to alter the level and profile of these risk factors, this country will achieve in the years to come the same truly epidemic proportions.

Basis for the Development of Prevention Programs NCDs

The successful experiences of programs that have implemented measures to control and modify the risk factors (North Karelia Project in Finland, Five City Project of Stanford University in USA, Heart Health Program Minnesotta University in USA, In Health Program University of Texas in USA), delivered the foundation for effective interventions in the community, which must be present for programming activities in preventing NCDs (Mokdad & Remington, 2010). Among these are:

The problem is a massive health problem, since the risk factors involved affects most of the population. Indeed, in Chile the studies cited above indicate that 90% of the adult population of the metropolitan area has one or more epidemiologically associated with risk factors of NCD's. Therefore, in the words of G. Rose, this massive problem should also be controlled with a mass approach, such as epidemics are discussed, as this is actually the ...