The Post-9/11 Legal Basis For Homeland Security Initiatives

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The Post-9/11 Legal Basis for Homeland Security Initiatives

The Post-9/11 Legal Basis for Homeland Security Initiatives


This paper intends to talk about the homeland security initiatives United States of America has taken since the incident of September 11. It is quite apparent that United States of America has become extremely careful about its security efforts after the attacks of September 11. The homeland security basically indulges different practitioners at various levels of government. This particular paper is written to the newly appointed State Director of Homeland Security in order to make him aware about different acts and statues that relate to Homeland Security. Being an administrative officer in my state's Office of Homeland Security; I will be providing information to the incoming director about the four statues related to homeland security initiatives.


This paper intends to give information on the post-9/11 legal basis for implementing current Homeland Security initiative.


After the horrifying terrorist attacks that shook the entire nation of United States of America on September 11 against key US assets, the Congress passed several acts that defined terrorism and established the legal basis for future Homeland Security initiatives. Although there are many acts that address various aspects of Homeland Security, there are specifically four acts that have formed the foundation for future Homeland Security initiatives. These are the:

• USA PATRIOT Act of 2001

• Homeland Security Act of 2002

• Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004

• Commission Act of 2007

USA PATRIOT Act of 2001

This was the first Homeland Security-related act passed by Congress after the various horrifying terrorist attacks over the citizens of United States of America. The specific focus of this act is on terrorism and providing new tools for law enforcement agencies to detect, deter, and prosecute acts of terrorism. Particularly noteworthy is the inclusion of the act which provides details regarding the crucial frameworks related to the protection of the citizens of United States of America. Other key tenets of this act include:

The focal point of the act is to protect the nation of USA against any form of domestic or foreign terrorism, so that horrific events of 11th September do not take place again.

This act went on to lay the definition of domestic terrorism, as it described any person with a clear intention of harming another human life within the boundaries of USA or committing any other forms of violence activities will fall ...