The Populist And Progressive Parties

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The Populist and Progressive Parties

The Populist and Progressive Parties


In 1890's, the Populist Party of US aimed at representing the interests of farmers and laborers. The major reason behind the formation of party is the farmers and the silver coin producers did not get satisfaction from either Democratic or Republican Parties. Another major party in the history of US politics is the progressive party which was formed in 1912 by Theodore Roosevelt. Both of these parties aimed at achieving certain public policy goals.


Populist Party

Due to the increasing influence of Eastern forces such as banks and industrialists over the two political parties (Democratic and Republican), American farmers and silver coin producers began to have reservations during 1890's. The industry workers as well as farmers had developed strong feeling that their interests have been clearly ignored by both the major political parties, and hence they decided to form a new political party, the Populist Party. American people were largely impressed by this party due to the zeal with which those politicians addressed the needed reforms.

In Presidential election of 1892, the Populist Party (or People's Party) nominated their candidates James weaver and James Field but none could win. However, James Weaver was able to poll 22 electoral votes. The part successfully elected several congress members by fusing with democrats of certain states. Also, hundreds of minor legislators and officials along with three governors were elected in the northern Middle West (Britannica, 2013). However, in the South, most farmers were under pressure of the Democratic Party and hence refused to vote for the Populist.

In 1894 midterm election, Populist Party made even more victories, and elected seven representatives and six senators. In 1896, the populists swept themselves into the Democratic Party because of the mutually interested Free Silver Movement. The most challenging movement since the Civil war was finally collapsed with the defeat of Democratic presidential candidate William Jennings Bryan. Although, the party continued to hold several western states, its progress in national politics was ceased.

Public Policy Goals of Populist Party

The Populist Party advocated various issues including increased currency, free coinage of gold and silver, graduated federal income tax and public ownership of railroads. The graduated federal income tax policy was suggested under the belief that the wealthy people should pay a higher rate of income tax as compared to the poor or middle class. In addition, the party also focused on the abolition of national bank, plenty of paper money, non owner ship of land by foreigners, reform for civil service, pensions, postal banks, working day of eight hours and many more. They suggested that people should have access to postal savings systems so that they could easily avoid depositing their money in the private banks. The Populist worked with the aim of replacing the democrats through the formation of alliance between farmers and industry workers. The internal development through the plantation of phones, railroads and telegraphs was also an aim of the Populist ...
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