The Police Should Have Access To All Of Our Online Behavior

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The police should have access to all of our online behavior

The police should have access to all of our online behavior


The present era is termed to be the era of information technology. The modern world is relying heavily on technologies like the internet. Perhaps, in the recent past, use of the internet has increased exponentially. Today, many tasks are performed online through the internet, which were in past done by some other means.

As the use of online activities increased, both positive, as well as negative aspects of it became more and more apparent with the passage of time. Positive minded people used it to their benefit while negative minded people used it with negative intentions. Online activities made work to be done quite easier than it used to be in the past. On the other hand, inappropriate activities started to become common. These activities include cyber crimes, viewing inappropriate content online and alike. With the passage of time, governments started to develop rules and regulations to stop such activities, but a debate started among masses after this initiative. The debate was on the topic that whether the police be given the rights and authority to view online activities of users or not.

This is really a serious issue, and opinions in favor as well as in opposition prevail. Being a user of the internet myself, it is not easy for me to express my opinion in this regard simply as in favor or in opposition. Initially, what I thought about the topic was that it is a complex topic that requires careful study of the matter. In my opinion about this topic, police should have the rights to access all our online activities, provided this does not, in any case, exceed the ethical limits regarding one's privacy. Cyber crimes are on the up, and in order to counter such crimes, police should be allowed to monitor online activities of the suspected users. On the contrary, the police can use this right to intervene into one's private matters, and this should not be allowed. In my opinion, besides allowing the police to do so, a check on them must also be kept by the government so that they do not exceed the limits.

Another serious issue is that children and teenagers are using the internet for inappropriate activities, such as viewing inappropriate content and chatting uselessly. This is an issue that can be resolved to a great extent by careful monitoring of the child's/teenager's activities by the parents (


The discussion about the topic “police should have access to all of our online behavior” is very important. Let us discuss the issue in some detail.

Online corporation MacAfee has been arranging different surveys on the usage of internet and performance shown by the users. . A recent review generates that in the year 2012, 70 percent of teenagers (aged between 13-17) information indicates unseen online performance and activities from parents. This level of searching different websites was huge from 45 ...
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