The Perfect Storm

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The Perfect Storm

The Perfect Storm


The Perfect Storm (A True Story of Men against the Sea) is an adventure novel based on true events written by Sebastian Junger and published by WW Norton & Company in 1997. The story centers on huge proportions storm that hit North America in October 1991, and which was immersed crew of the fishing boat Andrea Gail, based in Gloucester, Massachusetts. In the book it also tells the story about the rescue of the crew of the sailboat Satori three people in the Atlantic during the storm, the Coast Guard Tamaroa of the U.S.

The book tells the true story of the crew of the fishing vessel "Andrea Gail. Captain Andrea Gail fishing boat Billy Tyneleads his team with an unsuccessful fishing. Team members did not have time to actually see his family, and loved ones to embrace women, as she invites them again to go for fish. Despite the fatigue and the absurdity of the proposal (the fishing season is almost over), the crew members agree, as they all have their problems and solve them most easily by means of money. For a long time at sea, the crew of Andrea Gail again no luck, the team began to murmur, but the cap Billy Tyne says that before the mighty fish they have never reached, fishing spots further this is the bank's Flemish Cape (included on the map). At this time, the coast begins storm that develops into a real Armageddon. The boys came to the banks, and collected a timely catch, and at that, time break cooler for the fish. It is showing a culture of the sea and the empire technology and weather had affect on the entire story. It pulled up tight they decide to return. To return home again to see their ...
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