The Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act

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The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Broad outlines of the Affordability Act

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Act on the protection of patients and affordable care), nicknamed "Obamacare", is a law passed by the U.S. Congress and signed by President Barack Obama into law on 30 March 2010 . It is the main component of the reform of the welfare system in America. The Act had the support of most unions, including the firefighters, police, nurses, military, and the elderly groups. The Senate passed the bill on December 24, 2009 with 60 voting yes and 39 voting no. (Nather 2010).

The law requires most adults who are not covered by a health plan either by their employers or government sponsored to maintain coverage in exchange. This type of requirement is commonly called individual mandate. Those earning less than four times the poverty line (U.S. $ 92.200 a year for a family of four) will receive tax credits to subsidize the health insurance payment.

The law will help the American people

Yes, this piece of law will surely facilitate and benefit the American people. This bill will allow this population to obtain affordable health insurance coverage (Schmidt 2011).

The citizens of the United States will play a large part in the reform by being “part of the systems and must have coverage”. Act will require most people, employers, and health plans to meet minimum requirements; those who are non-compliant will pay penalties.

This law will correct past inequalities in delivery of health care

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is an extension of our current health caresystem. In the end, health care costs will be reduced, people of the United States will be treated as our fore-fathers had stated as equal and lives will be saved. The reform may not be perfect, but ...
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