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The One on the Article


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The central point discussed in this article is to represents the research carried out to review the social and environmental effects of transportation. This research is meant to help the policy makers and people in their current discussions regarding the secrets behind oil prices in the United States.

In the said article the International Center for Technology Assessment (CTA) has found that the actual cost per gallon of gas for the American consumer could be a bit higher. The reports details the many extra costs that are included with using gas that the customers have to pay in the name of insurance, tax and buying prices in other sectors. The CTA started and today is a Washington-based research organization that is working on the effects of technology on a common man.

The report is an investigation of the numerous costs affiliated with the usage of fuel. The report states that these charges are divided into four extensive categories. These charges reach on to both users of fuel and nonusers of fuel in term of high tax rate, insurances premiums, and selling price for non petroleum products. Competently, the price of petrol is considerably higher than the actual cost paid by the customer at the pump. This vital information has not been delivered to the people in order to make them realize the affects of it. The fact is that the information above has been hidden from people.


Three Important Facts Used By the Author to Support the Idea

Subsidies for the Petroleum Industry

From a very long time the government has been supporting the distributors and the oil producers. The government is supporting almost every sector related to oil and gas industry by providing them subsidies and making it easier for them to operate. Petroleum companies have benefitted from this support given by the government to them. Due to this fact consumer are unaware how it is affecting the pricing of petroleum products which they consume on daily basis.

Tax-Funded Programs and R&D's Sponsored By Government

Special plans are provided to facilitate the oil industry with subsidy in producing the oil and consuming as well. A crucial role is being played by the United States military in making sure the world market gets oil. Petroleum companies have been receiving a significant amount of extraordinary entitlements. One of the other factors is the allowance of Percentage depletion which among the biggest subsidies that dates back to ages which has continuously affected the oil and gas industry.

Expenses Incurred For The Protection Of Oil Supplies And Its Shipments.

It is quite difficult to analyze costs of defending petroleum resources due to the nature of global security. Various types of protection for the oil transportation industry and motor vehicle users is provided by the Police, emergency response, fire, Coast Guard and providers of different municipal services.


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