The Odyssey (Book 5)

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The Odyssey (Book 5)


In this book, the freedom of Odysseus from Calypso has been discussed. Calypso loves Odysseus and tried till end to persuade him to stay with her and not to go to his old wife. This book also discusses the sail of Odysseus in which he had to face the storm from the Lord of Poseidon. In the previous chapter it was analyzed that Odysseus is alive and is being captured by Calypso on the island of Ogygia and the news was broken by Menelaus who was outrageous at the behavior of Penelope suitors, so he encouraged Telemachus by telling this. (Fitzgerald, 300-375)

Thesis Statement

The Calypso goddess enables Odysseus to travel back home, Odysseus faced storm and reached the shore where he slept.


In book 5, it is shown that all the gods were gathered on the mount of Olympus for the discussion of Odysseus's fate. But Athena was in the support of hero, she was asking about Odysseus being stuck on the Calypso's island which made Zeus to interrupt in between.(see appendix)

He told her daughter that it was her deceit and this is in the power of her to control it now. Zeus took the action of sending the messenger of the gods, Hermes, to the island of Calypso to inform her that Odysseus should be allowed now to leave the place so that he can return to his home and then he had to meet the Phaeacians in 20 days. Hermes band on his sandals and looked in the cave of Calypso where she was weaving and was singing beautifully and Odysseus was wandering on the island and regretting on his fate. Then Hermes informed Calypso about his purpose of arrival which made Calypso angry. She answered that the male gods have double standards and spoke very emotionally. She complained that the male gods are allowed to take their mortal lovers but female gods are always aggravated. But in the end she has to agree with the supreme power of Zeus and she submits her. Odysseus was left alone with no boat or raft because all the boats were destroyed by that time during his journeys. Calypso helped him out to make him a new boat, which looked tricky to Odysseus but she swear an oath of River Styx. She said that this oath meant a lot to the god and goddess and said sorry for what she did ...
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