The Nurses Bill Of Right

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The Nurses Bill of Right

The Nurses Bill of Right

Rationale for Development

Nursing profession, as we witness today, not only makes way for progress and development, but also provides for creating a better result and output, making way for improvements to become part of the system, but also provides further room for new additions to take place.

Second to doctors in the healthcare and medical industry, it becomes extremely important and considerate that regardless of the changes and the challenges that are being intended in the long-run (Buchanan, 2002).

Not only are the nurses in a condition to make way for the development and the establishment of better services, but at the same time, it would provide for doctors to further invest their focus, in order to understand and comprehend the changes and the challenges that are being intended during their service to their clients and customers walking into the hospital.

While the job performed and executed by these nurses are of profound importance, exploitation and saturation are unique conditions and situations which have enforced the changes to have registered as factors that hinder the performance of a nurse on both personal and professional levels (Chin, 2008).

Hence, it is for the purpose of discouraging such malpractices that it would provide safety and security, in order to make way for the progress and development of nurses and also bar them from any level of exploitation that would arrive on a personal level and their external performance.

The Nurses' Bill of Rights

In order to understand and comprehend the changes and the challenges that encompass the nurses, legal statutes, laws and multiple regulations have to be laid down in order to make way for safeguarding the services and the prerogatives that have been vested upon the nurses serving the healthcare industry.


The Nurses' Bill of Rights is a legal framework that not only calls for defining the rights and the privileges that have been given unto the nurses serving the medical industry and that it would provide for framing and describing the paradigm in which these nurses are obliged to practice (Fang, Wilsey-Wisniewski & Bednash, 2006).

Rooting as a document from the American Nursing Association (ANA), this bill is a hybrid of three multiple documents that make way for fully narrating and describing the issues and the corresponding solutions, which would make way for progress.

These documents are entitled Nursing's Social Policy Statement, the Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements and the Standards for Clinical Practice, which combined yield filtered rights for nurses that are serving the medical industry (Levsey, Campbell & Green, 2007).

Rights of Nurses framed in the Bill

In order to understand and comprehend the changes and the challenges that are being experienced throughout the ages, it becomes increasing important in order for nurses to make way for progress and establishment of their rights and duties, but also create and establish a better result and outcome.

Amongst the key rights that have been mentioned would be examined in detail, in order to understand the ...
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