The Novel

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The Novel


The research paper is based on the similarities and differences between the two novels, i.e. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain and The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane. The novel Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is written by Mark Twain, whereas, The Red Badge of Courage is written by Stephen Courage (Bruce, 2000). The type of work is novels of both of the books. The genre of the novels contrast a lot, likewise, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a thrilling novel, whereas, The Red Badge of Courage is not a thrilling novel. Same as, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is not a psychological drama, whereas, The Red Badge of Courage is a psychological drama (Jarnow, 2004). The novels written by Mark Twain and Stephen Crane differs in different ways, like, Mark Twain's novel is a satire one, whereas, Stephen Crane's novel is not a satire one (Levin &, 2001). The Adventures of Huckleberry Fin are not a war novel, whereas, The Red Badge of Courage is more like a war novel. Both of the novels are written in English language.


The Story in a Nutshell

The Red Badge of Courage is a novel that has been written by a twenty-year elderly person, Stephen Cane. Stephen Cane had never visited a war. The novel was written in 1895 (Myler & Twain, 1990). The novel entitles of the battle between the Confederate and Union soldiers. The battle takes place during the civil war. The psychological and physical effects are outlined in the book. The young recruit's emotional trajectory is traced in the novel (Seelye & Twain, 1987). The character, Henry tries to get him adjusted with the guilt feelings experienced by him. The carried and strong emotions, accompanied with the bunch of experiences perceive the creative nature of the writer. The novel is well-known of its genre of realism (Chadwick-Joshua, 1998). It is also known as the first American anti-war novel. An attack on the military and the country is seen in the form of the novel by a U.S General named Alexander McClurg.

It is said that all the modern American literature books are emerged from the end of Mark Twain, also known as Huckleberry Finn. The novel was published in 1885 (Twain & Hearn, 2001). Several ways were reflected in the novel that carved new territory in the American literature. Most of the American works was followed within the novel. In the middle of the era, the novel also got banned (Twain, 2009). The issue aroused with the context of racism. The hypocrisy of many of the pre-war southern communities was revealed in the novel (Bloom & Infobase Publishing, 2005). The novel successfully formed the chapters of freedom, rugged individualism and freedom were raised in the heartily champions of the American ideals.

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