The Next Global Stage By Kenich Ohmae

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The Next Global Stage by Kenich Ohmae

Goals of the Book3

Success of China7

New Economic Paradigm and its Effects10

Unshakable nation-state12

Steps to success for a region-state13

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)14




The Next Global Stage by Kenich Ohmae

Goals of the Book

This book “The Next Global Stage” by Kenich Ohmae includes the awareness of people about the global economy and globalization. The Goals of the book are crystal clear. Ohmae wants to elaborate the significance of global economy.

Ohmae describes in his book that there was globalization in the world in older times. There were no demarcations and boundaries. People used to live united. After some time, everything got altered. People started building their own territories. Boundaries of countries and regions emerged on the map of the world. The unity gets concentrated among nations only. The author analyzed the economic trends of the world. He construed the features of the global economy. He scrutinized the flaws in traditional economies. He prodded into the secrets of global success and its impact on the world (Ohmae, 2005).

Ohmae emphasized the requirement of global change to fulfill the demands of such a large population of the world. There is a desideratum of shift from national to a global perspective. No country can execute its all needs. There is utmost need of collaboration among countries, and the removal of land boundaries that brought hindrances in the collaboration among nations. The old economic theories failed to achieve the purpose. The theories were full of flaws, and formed under the circumstances that prevailed at that time (Ohmae, 2005).

“Although the global economy presents opportunities, there are also challenges to be faced by government, business, and individuals. They can only be met by adopting flexibility and pragmatism.” (Ohmae, The Next Global Stage)

A global economy

“The global economy ignores barriers, but if they are not removed, they cause distortion” Ohmae, K. (2005)

Ohmae propounded that the constrictions of the national borders are declining with the passage of time. The credit goes to the scientific technology and the bilateral relations among the countries. The bilateral relations become brawny because of the trade negotiations between countries. The globe now seems to be a borderless place. The countries apprehend that for their ultimate survival economically, they need to be in favor of each other. National Barriers should be conked out. To acquire better living standards, the people of one nation should diffuse into the other. Well, the border free culture is not quite implemented yet. As for the security reasons and for the safety of the public, the countries still have to check the movements of people and goods (Ohmae, 2005).

Ohmae refers Globalization to the global economy. Globalization is the dream of many nations, to be come true. Many countries like Japan, United States, and Indonesia and European nations have adopted it somehow. There are many countries like China, Russia and India and other third world countries which have not shown their interest towards embracing globalization. Running against the storm is not a wonderful ...