The New Beetle

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The New Beetle

The New Beetle

The meaning of the VW brand?

Volkswagen means the car of the people, therefore it is known for its cost effectiveness. A brand is a name, term, sign, and symbol, design or a form or a combination of these ingredients to identify products or services of a provider or provider group. It is used to differentiate themselves from competitors' offerings. So first a mark indicates the origin of a product. Because only the trademark owner has the right to manufacture a product under this brand. Purely legal one brand is a trademark, a name, sign or symbol to indicate the products to express their uniqueness. It is a character that can be protected under trademark law (Kotler, 1986).

The VW was established to offer economical and cost effective cars to the people of the Germany. The first and original design of the VW was made in 1931 and its name was “Volkswagen Beetle”. One of the motives of the VW is to make the cars affordable to the people. The Volkswagen is headquartered in Wolfsburg, is the Group's parent company of Commercial vehicles. It is the largest automobile manufacturer in Europe and the third largest in the world. In 1945 the first Beetle was produced, but in the first years after the Second World War, the future of the plant as well as the “Beetle” was uncertain. Only after the company and its products have received officially the name “Volkswagen”. Both a dismantling of the work as a continuation of beetle production in other countries were possible options. Among other things, the British company was Humber and Ford interested in the VW plant (New Beetle, n.d).

Due to incorrect assessment of the market, near the Soviet zone of occupation and a devastating technical evaluation of the VW Beetle by a British investigation report, however all interested parties abandoned their intentions to purchase the VW plant. The VW brand has always expressed the message of reasonable and cars affordable to its customers. The VW brand cares its customer by providing the affordable cars to them. The company's brand has been viewed by the customers as the company which offers the benefits to its customer by offering them the quality cars of German engineering. The cars of the VW provides completely different experiences to its customers and the drive of the VW cars are also road connected and customers can experience a drive which connects to the world. The driving pleasure is also reflects the VW brand and German engineering. The interior of the Beetle leaves namely mixed feelings., The plastics and materials seem not as high as the Gulf partly reactive switch next the hazard warning flashers are shaky. Doors to simple flexible plastic strips serve as a bottle holder, which is after all quite practical. The nationwide launch of the modern Beetle is now, for many VW dealers the opportunity to open the door to present the new model and provide insights into the ...