Social networking has brought a dramatic change in the life of American Society. People have started spending their major time on social networking through internet. This drastic change and increased usage of social networking has come up with negative impacts to the society, and now it has become important to implement policies for the internet social networking. The policy claim further gives a suggestion to restrict the undesirable use of social networking and check the usage of the internet. The prevailing use of social networking is not a healthy usage and it is damaging the norms of the society. There are many ways through which a check can be imposed on the negative use of the internet. These policy claims are the effort to make reforms in the usage of social networking through internet. The researches has evident some severe negative impacts of social networking. This has become a threat for society especially for the young generation who wants to be on internet every time. The most affected population of the society is adolescents and students that are exposed to the negative impact of the social networking. This brings importance to the policy claim, to lower down the negative impact and bring check and balance on the social networking.
Policy claim
Strict Policy claim is required for the social networking. There are a lot of negative impacts which are imparted on the minds of the youth of the American society. The policy claim further gives a suggestion to control and check the usage of the internet. The increased addiction of social networking is exposing children to the undesirable content that include violence and sex. However, internet using has become important part of life. There is vast knowledge of internet available for students for their reference purpose in studies, offices, industries, and other professions are working through internet and millions of people are benefited from it, but there is a bitter truth that it has become negative in several ways. To reduce the negativity of the social networking it is important to implement certain policies for the betterment of the society.
Negative Impact of Social Networking
The adolescents are very much engaged in the unproductive sort of activities which enhances their capabilities to commit many unethical and illegal acts which are very much harmful for the society and also for them (Joshua, Pp. 76-80). There are very radical impacts of communication through internet on youth; especially it imparts very negative impacts on the minds of adolescent. The social development through internet has become major threat to the youth of the America as it has engaged the youth and restricted them to do all sorts of constructive activities. There are a lot of implications which are imparted by message applications, such as those found on Face book, are very popular amongst an era of high-tech youth. These utilities facilitate communication for teenagers (Stefan, Pp. 88-90).
The internet could also be termed as a strange world because it is completely an ...