The Nature And Technology Of Warfare

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The Nature and Technology of Warfare

The Nature and Technology of Warfare


War is a constant companion of human history. Up to 95% of all known societies have resorted to it to resolve external or internal conflict. Scientists estimate that in the last fifty six centuries were approx. 14,500 wars that have killed more than 3.5 billion people.

According to extremely popular in antiquity, the Middle Ages and modern times conviction primitive times were the only peaceful period of history, primitive man (uncivilized savage) - being deprived of any kind was militancy and aggressiveness. However, recent archaeological investigations of prehistoric sites in Europe, North America and North Africa show that armed conflict (obviously, between individuals) were still in the Neanderthal era. Ethnographic study of modern hunter-gatherer tribes shows that most of the attacks on its neighbors, seizing property and women are the harsh realities of their lives.

The first weapons (clubs, spears) used primitive man since 35 century BC, but the earliest cases date back to the battle group only 12 thousand BC - Only this time, we can talk about the war.

The birth of the war in the prehistoric era was associated with the emergence of new types of weapons (bow, sling), for the first time allowed fighting on the course from now on physical strength had already fought exceptional value, a major role was playing agility and dexterity. Ask beginnings battle techniques (coverage from the flank). The war was highly ritualized (numerous taboos and prohibitions), which limited the duration and loss (Keegan, 1994).

It contributed to the emergence of the progress of the military organization. Growth in agricultural productivity has allowed the elite of ancient societies to accumulate funds in their hands, which gave an opportunity to increase the size of the armies and improve their combat skills, more time had given training soldiers, appeared the first professional military units.

The main component of the ancient East and ancient army was infantry: initially operated on the battlefield as the chaotic crowd, it later became a highly organized military unit (the Macedonian phalanx, the Roman legion). In different periods of acquired value and other "combat arms", as, for example, war chariots, which played a significant role in the conquests of the Assyrians.

The turning point in military history was since the mid 15th century. Europe gunpowder and firearms, was the first case to use them in the Battle of Agincourt (1415) (Goldsworthy, 1966).

Infantry of the Ancient War

Infantry (foot, infantry, infantry, army), was a genus of ground forces close combat, able to master the enemy territory and hold it for a long time. It is the only branch of service, if needed, can act completely independently and maintain long combat operations in all conditions and on varying terrain.

As infantry corps was an indispensable part of all armies from ancient to modern times. However, its role, organization and tactics varied with age and a country depending on the socio-political system and level of economic development; and were conditioned by the invention and introduction of new types ...
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