The Mystery Of Big Foot

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The Mystery of Big Foot

The Mystery of Big Foot

Bigfoot is without a question the most identified animal secret in North America. Most Bigfoot sightings happen inside the Northwestern United States whereas the early 1970's made some accounts out of the Arkansas area. Similar sightings happen in Canada where the animal is renowned as Sasquatch. According to eyewitness testimonies, the human-like animal is well over 7 and a half feet big weighing as much as 600 pounds. They appear to be mostly nocturnal and generally are described as traveling solely or in pairs. (Daegling 2004) Their bodies, enclosed in red or light-brown tinted hair, appear to be more human-like than ape like whereas their facial characteristics appear to be rather proportioned like a gorilla - short necks, flat faces and nose, slanted foreheads, and broad shoulders. Their title is drawn from from the often found out footprints which mean round 18 inches in extent and 7 inches wide. (Long 2004)

Casts of Bigfoot's large-scale feetSome Bigfoot investigators cite American Indian customs as the first noted sightings of human-like hairy bipeds. The first noted viewing appeared in 1870 and was described in the California bulletin - Antioch Ledger. The bulletin correspondent described that he had seen a "gorilla, or untamed man, or anything you select to call it in the bush. Its head emerged to be set on the creature's shoulder without a neck".(Daegling 2004)

The next report came out 30 years subsequent in 1901. A lumberjack on Vancouver Island, was trekking solely because his Indian helpers had denied to escort him due to their worry of the inhabitant 'monkey men'. While strolling through the woods, the lumberjack dotted a 'man beast' cleaning beside a river. It was recounted as being tinted in reddish-brown hair with especially long arms. After the ...
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