The Movie "a Doll House"

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The Movie "A Doll House"

A Doll's House can be viewed thematically not only as a picture of an innocent nineteenth century woman struggling to achieve self-definition but also as a devastating indictment of a routine marriage between two ordinary people who lack awareness of themselves and who have differing views of right and wrong. The following quote represents Nora's feelings:

“"Yes - some day, perhaps, after many years, when I am no longer as pretty as I am now. Don't laugh at me! I mean, of course, when Torvald is no longer as devoted to me as he is now; when my dancing and dressing-up and reciting have palled on him then it may be a good thing to have something in reserve." (Act One) (

Torvald unquestioningly accepts society's dicta of the husband as the breadwinner and moral authority, but Nora's attempt to conform as the submissive wife forces her into lies and deception. Both care about what people think; neither consciously considers opposing society's mores.

The need for communication contributes to the thematic pattern of the movie. Nora and Torvald communicate only on the most superficial level; he speaks from the conventions of society but neither sees nor hears her, while she can only movie out the role that he has constructed for her. This inability or unwillingness to express themselves verbally leads to unhappiness and pain (

The theme is echoed in the subplot of Kristine and Krogstad, both of whom have struggled with the cruelties of society. Kristine endured a loveless marriage in order to support her elderly mother and young brothers; Krogstad was forced into crime in order to care for his ill wife and children. Although within the plot their union seems somewhat contrived, Ibsen characterizes them as aware of themselves and honest with each other.

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