The Moonlighter

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The Moonlighter

The Moonlighter

Ethical Dilemma

Every place in this planet earth made some limitation and premises under which they flourished. All are the places like organization, home, institution, authorities and other places. The purpose of such boundaries is to maintain the balance in the happening. These boundaries have such intensities some have more sensitive and some considered to be followed with less priority. Ethic is also a sort of boundaries and limitation by which society judges about the right and wrong acts. There are multiple ethics which has been prevailed in the society, with these ethical issues the major issue has also been raised called “Moonlighting”. In this twenty first century where the economic condition is in the critical state, increasing unemployment, shrinking work hours and declining benefits and other issues as well. Moonlighting is the more than one job by an individual. Putting the employees into the condition to work more than one job not only the reason mentioned above but also there are several reasons like experiencing different jobs, meeting with their increasing expenses, paying off debts and couple of reasons. In simple words the act of working more than one job or multiple jobs at the same time by the individuals is called moonlighting. The person who does moonlighting entitled to be a “Moonlighter”. Moonlighter is now become an ethical dilemma. Most of the organization hired their employees on full working hours. But some organization hired their employees for part time. In this century people are facing more concerns regarding their finance, and for the fulfilment of their issues people start working more than one job. For looking at this scenario there are two perspective one from the employee and other from employer or organization.

The Moonlighting would be a challenge not only for employers but also for the employees. From employer's perspective employees expectation shows up may be as “prepared, present and prompt”. On the other hand if employees are managing multiple jobs, for working more than one job this issue like poor attentiveness, lack of sleeping, transportation glitches and fatigue can be the issues. Because of multiple jobs their performance may found mediocre for their work, whereas the employee who works with full concentration on a single job. Since employer has a right to terminate those employees or moonlighter due to moonlighting their performance, attentiveness and dependability may found in the declining manner. There are commonly two practices found in the organization first those employees who welcome moonlighting and other who against the moonlighting both have their own reasons as the employer who is offering moonlighter to work, focusing their project which are normally unusual and short-term and employer in such circumstances saving their benefits and other considerations as compare to the full time employer the moonlighter are the cheaper and flexible too. On the other hand the employers who are strictly avoid the moonlighting because they want their employees to put all their concentration to their assigned work which is full time or primary ...