The Mind Structure Of Young Kids With Autism

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The mind structure of young kids with autisM

The brain structure of children with autism

The brain structure of children with autism

Autism is disorder of brain that causes lifelong development disability, primarily affecting communication and social abilities of people. Symptoms of condition are evident either from birth or may begin appear after period of normal development, but definitely by time child is three years old. In following paper, autism, its conditions and research findings will be stated as well as discussed in case of 8-year old Austin. (Arin 1991)

Autism is defined as the complex developmental disability that usually appears during first three years of life. Many persons with autism know-how difficulty in verbal and non-verbal connection, social interactions, and leisure or play activities. Autism makes it hard for them to relate to outside world. Some other effects of this disorder are extreme aggressive behavior. This aggressive behavior can be towards others and even to themselves. People with autism may show behaviors such as repeated body movements such as rocking or hand flapping, resistance to changes in certain routines and unusual and unexplained responses to people. They may also show signs of abnormal responses to sensations. (Brenner 1983)

The one question that remains to be positively answered is: What causes autism? Even though the single specific cause of autism is not know, researchers have been able to link autism to neurological or biological differences in brain. In some cases, there appears to be the pattern of autism in families supporting thought that this disorder may very well be genetic. Although, almost all people with autism are born to parents who do not have condition. It also appears that autism could be influenced by environmental factors.

Autism can outcome from certain events before or soon after birth. Factors such as infection of brain with herpes virus, infection of pregnant mother with rubella virus, and also problems with brain structure such as hydrocephalus which is also known as "water on brain." (Courchesne 1993)Although, this has yet to be proven because no gene has been directly linked to disorder. With this all still the sort of mystery, there is one thing for sure that has been able to be proven. This is that autism is not the mental illness. (Cooper 1978)

The prevalence of this disorder is not yet known but it is estimated that range from one-in-500 to one-in-1, 000 cases are reported in United States ( It ...
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