The Mentor

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The Mentor

The Mentor


Education is a force that drives social and economic development of any country. Considering this, it is important to make education accessible and find ways to make it affordable (Sidhu, 2004). Research has proved that first year students of engineering universities, faces comparatively greater issues than any other student. A group of newcomer students from a reputed engineering university came to me for discussing there issues. They all were new to this country and were mostly on student visas`; hence, their issues were typically more complex than expected. As a matter of fact, I belong to the same technical field as they were and have a good career, so I was able to solve there issues up to some extend. The paper would serve as a mentor for those new students that have taken their first step in engineering universities, however, are still confused about their future.


Engineering is much complex rather than any other profession. Engineering itself is a problem solving job. The world needs engineers in every field from weather forecasting to drilling mines. However, it is important to understand what your future is and how to cope up with your curriculum. Few important issues which must be clarified are listed below:

First Few Months Are Critical For Non Resident Students

Indeed first three to five months are critical. Foreign students can face numerous communication issues as English being their second language. However, skills will develop eventually as they proceed with their lectures. It is important that they should get a job on part time basis so that they can afford their expense and bear the education fee themselves.

Unemployment Issues

Students have a perception that getting jobs in engineering field is difficult. They claim that even those engineers with more than fifteen years of relevant experience are driving cabs ...
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