The Major Sources Of Conflict During Various Stages Of The Project Life Cycle

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The Major Sources Of Conflict During Various Stages Of The Project Life Cycle

The Major Sources Of Conflict During Various Stages Of The Project Life Cycle


In today's fast pace of globalization, the competition among the organizations has increased to great extent. In order to achieve the competitive advantage among the competitors and to retain the accurate level of market share, the organizations carry out various activities. They bring changes in their business process and many times they initiate various projects so as to bring improvements and expansions in their business processes. The expansions are made so that the profitability of the organization can be increased. The expansion of the business involves various projects. The handling of the projects is always critical for any organization. The organizations have to develop effective and efficient strategies to handle the project with great success. There is always the risk that the conflicts may occur in different stages of projects. There are the varieties of problems that can come across in a project life cycle. These problems may involve the lack of support from stakeholders, the improper management, the conservative timelines, the unpredicted risks and challenges, the unavailability of the resources etc. There are various sources of conflict during various stages of the project life cycle. The project managers are required to develop and implement certain measures and approaches to avoid the occurrence of the conflicts during each of the stages so as to attain the ultimate targeted goal and objective of the project. The following section aims at discussing in detail about the different stages of the project life cycle and the sources that are the cause of the conflicts in each of the stage of project life cycle.


In the execution of the projects, the conflicts that arouse can be classified into three categories.

The goal oriented conflicts: These conflicts are related to the final consequences of the project activities. Such conflicts are aroused related to the specification of the performances and related to the project criterion; main concerns as well as related to the project objectives.

The administration conflicts: These types of conflicts are related to the management structures of the organization. In such types of conflicts, the relationships among the reporting authorities play an important role as the source of the conflicts. The complexities in the tasks, functions, and in the decisions of the managerial authorities are also the part of the administrative conflicts.

The interpersonal conflicts: This is the most common type of conflict that usually occurs during the stages of the projects. Such conflicts are evolved because of the lack of the work ethics and the improper leadership styles of the leaders and the managers.

The project life cycle

The project life cycle consist of the following four major stages.


The planning is the first stage in the project life cycle where the problems are identified and the need to resolve the issue is clarified with various evidences. The plans are made and the effective solutions are developed. The results of this stage are ...