The Lottery

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The Lottery

"The Lottery'' is a story of a small town which has around three hundred people. On 27th of July, the townspeople starting with children to the old ones all gather to gather for the lottery. Children run around to catch stones while the girls chat, standing on one side. Mr. Summer conducts the lottery who is assisted by Mr. Graves. They arrive with the black box which is used for the lottery and is older than the oldest town resident, Mr. Old Man Warner. Mr. Summer now mixes the slips of papers in the black box, which replaced the wood chips used earlier on his suggestion. Before beginning the lottery they make a list of households and families in the village. Mr. Summer efficiently sees into all the details needed to create the lottery (Berger, 55).

Mr. Summer first reminds everyone about the rule stating that he will visit the name of the families in alphabetic system and then family heads will end up to produce a sheet of paper. At that time Mr. Adams tells that, people at other village have decided to give up the lottery but, Mr. Summer calls it as absurd and proceeds for the lottery. After he finishes calling the names, the families research their slips and Bill Hutchinson gets the distinct slip. Tessie Hutchinson argues that it was unfair because her husband did not get sufficient time to select the slip properly. Mr. Grave empties the box and puts five papers in it, and Mr. Summer calls the family member's names and one by one they come to pick their slips. When they open their slips, Tessie realizes that she has the paper which has the black dot. The villagers begin throwing stones at Tessie till she is dead (Griffin, 47).

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