The Lonely One - A Serial Killer

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The lonely One - A serial Killer


"Lonely One" is a shadow of a Bradbury's novel, Dandelion Wine. This symbol is a serial killer who stalks the night in the Green Horn Valley City, with an atmosphere of fear and premature death. He brings to life more clearly entitled Lavinia Nebbs, who also frequently reprinted as an independent history as "the sleeping city:      "And death alone, without being seen, walking through the trees, waiting to enter the country once or twice a year, this town, these streets, with plenty of places where these little light to kill one, two, three women in the past three years "(Ray Bradbury, Dandelion Wine).

Only one course of action is really quite strange. The Chicago Tribune (August 2, 1928, p. 11), go into a gas station or store and drop out after police assistance funds or property. After several months, the lack of lighting theft angered his evil deeds, and wrote a complaint letter to the local newspaper.Eight months after he began a career criminal, was captured Weyant. It has been seen in breach of Frank Burke store in Waukegan, where he changed his arms to a new weapon.

The lonely One - A Serial Killer

About Ray Bradbury

Ray Bradbury was born on 22 August 1920 at a hospital in the Rue St. James Street 11, in Waukegan, Illinois. His full name is Raymond Douglas (middle name in honor of the famous actor Douglas Fairbanks). Grandfather and great grandfather of Ray were the descendants of the first settlers of the British who sailed to America in 1630. In the late 19th century he published two Illinois newspapers (in the province of a certain social status and fame). His father's name is Leonard Spaulding Bradbury and his mother, Esther Marie Moberg was a Swede by birth. At the time of Ray's birth, his father was not even 30, he worked as an electrician and was the father of four kids - Leonard, Jr. (together with Leonard Jr. was born his twin brother - Sam, but he died two years old). In 1926 Bradbury's little sister Elizabeth was born, she also died as a child.

In Los Angeles Bradbury family moved to the 30's, in the midst of the Great Depression. When Ray finished high school, he could not buy a new jacket. He had to go to the prom dressed as the late Uncle Lester, who was killed by the hands of a robber. Hole from a bullet in the abdomen and the back of his jacket neatly darned. Throughout his life, Bradbury lived with a woman - Margaret (Marguerite McClure). Together they have amassed four daughters (Tina, Ramona, Susan, and Alexandra).

Thesis Statement

Lavina Nebbs is the killer of the fearful character of this story which is known by the name “the lonely one” and stereotyped as a scary shadow.


Lonely one is the antagonist in the book. It is a force that everyone in the town fears. The adults fear the man whom Lavinia Nebbs ...
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