The Lineage Of Sin And Death

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The Lineage of Sin and Death

The Lineage of Sin and Death


When we use the word 'sin' many ideas come to our minds. Its intensity and meaning varies for different people. But if we are to understand what it actually means then we have to know what God means by sin and how He describes it. Sin is described in the Bible as transgression to the commandments or laws of God. The beginning of sin can mainly be traced to Satan who was the most powerful of all angels and disobeyed God which led to his downfall. He then brought sin to the human race by tempting Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden to eat what they were forbidden to eat by God. Genesis 3 provides this story of the first sin and how it then spread into the world.


Genesis 3 describes the story of how Adam and Eve were tempted to eat the fruit of the tree they were forbidden to, the consequences of the human fall and the spread of sin (Genesis 3:11). Sin entered the world after Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate the fruit of the forbidden tree after being tempted by the serpent. God had commanded them not to eat the fruit of the tree which He called the tree of knowledge of good and evil. When they ate it they found themselves naked and became ashamed of it. With this sin that they committed consequently, sin entered the human race and has been transferred to humans in inheritance. We are born sinners; just as we inherit the physical characteristics so do we inherit the nature of sinning.

From this point onwards, Bible text is filled with examples and stories describing sins committed in the history and its consequences. The committing of sins ...
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