The Juvenile Justice Authority

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The Juvenile Justice Authority


The Juvenile crime is one of the major issues in California that remains under the considerable observation of the judicial authorities. This research paper aims at assessing the Juvenile System Authority in California and facilities that are provided to them is also analysed. The role of various agencies in the development or rehabilitations of the Juveniles is an essential aspect, focusing on the reintegration programs along with the aftercare initiatives. The similarities and differences of these initiatives are presented so as to provide their comparison and suggest strategies for the betterment of these programs.

Table of Contents


Juvenile Justice Authority in California1

Working of California's Juvenile Justice System2

The Juvenile facilities2

Aftercare and Reintegration programs3

Aftercare Initiative Programs4

Similarities and contrast of the program6



Betterment of the Aftercare Programs7



The Juvenile Justice Authority


Policy makers show major concern over the Juvenile Justice System. The crimes that are being committed by these Juveniles have a profound impact on their future course of conduct. This is the reason that in California and all around the world Legislations have been formulated to address the issue of Juveniles Crime. Crime in California report was prepared in January 1994, in which the crime state of California was presented highlighting the tendencies of Juvenile crime and the justice system in California.

Juvenile Justice Authority in California

The Juvenile Justice System for California varies as compared to other legislations operating in the state. The state considered Juveniles as a separate part of the population. At a time, two systems operate in California. One is for adults, and other is for Juveniles. The former emphasize on how to punish the criminals and the latter have a focus on the reintegration and how to prevent the crime rate. The Juvenile Justice Authority also includes a number of other partners such as schools, welfare based organizations that play an important role for the betterment of the Juveniles.

The premise on which the Juvenile System Authority was formed highlights the fact that the crimes that are committed by Juveniles are different; therefore, the matter should be handled in a different manner. Separate imprisonment acts, separate courts, regulations should be made with an objective to work for their welfare, and also confirms and protects the other people living in the society.

In California, an individual under the age of 18 is considered as juvenile and thus treated accordingly. However, sometimes the circumstances or the nature of crime helps in understanding that whether an individual should be treated under the Juvenile or adult regulations.

Working of California's Juvenile Justice System

The basic aim of all the authorities in California is to ensure public safety. The aim of Juvenile Authority System as mentioned above helps them to run a number of programs so as to address the Juvenile crimes considering the intensity of the crime and the background of the criminal. The rehabilitation objective of the authority helps them in gaining support of other agencies. The authority addresses the intensifying issues of formal and informal Juvenile trial, and terms of their ...
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