The Issues Of The 2012 Presidential Election

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The Issues of the 2012 presidential election

The Issues of the 2012 presidential election


Economy - The primary issue in every Presidential election is the economy. The state of the economy determines who will win.  Democrat and republican shift party loyalty based on economic issues. Most people are trying to provide a life for their family and this issue comes first.


PACs' Influence on the 2012 Presidential Election

Fear is growing that well-funded super PACs will dominate the general election in the fall. After all, these nominally independent organizations can take unlimited corporate money and run negative advertisements without restriction as a result of the Supreme Court's 2010 Citizens United decision. And in the GOP primaries, super PACs have drawn as much notice as the candidates' campaigns. Their attack ads, from the anti-Mitt Romney “King of Bain” to the barrage that sent Newt Gingrich from first to fourth in Iowa, have received even more attention than the candidates' own commercials and helped determine the primary results.

Lowest Unit Rate

Unbeknownst to most voters, political campaigns get a subsidy to run television ads. By FCC regulation, television stations have to sell advertising slots to candidates for both federal and state office at the “lowest unit rate” within 60 days of a general election and 45 days of a primary.

Candidate Priority

If television stations get less revenue broadcasting candidate advertisements, why do they bother to do it? It's simple: they don't have a choice. The government also mandates that stations provide “reasonable access” to federal candidates. Stations have to allow campaigns for federal office to buy time and cannot censor their ads, regardless of content.

Other Options for Super-PAC Spending

Another obstacle for super PACs is the simple legal one: they can't coordinate with campaigns, making it difficult for them to contact voters directly. Phone calls and door-to-door canvassing are labor-intensive, and ...
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