The Issues Of Global Warming On Business And Society

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The Issues Of Global Warming On Business And Society

Table of Content

Chapter 1: Introduction3

Purpose of the Study3

Background of the Study3

Rationale of the Study4

Chapter 2: Literature Review4

a) The issue under Consideration5

b) Implications for the Industry under Construction9

c) Descriptive Account and Comparative Analysis12

Chapter 3: Methodology Used for Data Collection14

Gantt chart15

Chapter 4: Conclusion and Recommendations for the Organization16


The Issues of Global Warming On Business and Society

Chapter 1: Introduction

Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of this paper will be to make comparison of two companies and discuss the effects of global warming on the companies. The phrase global warming refers to a phenomenon in which the Earth's surface temperature increases from its long-term averages because of an atmospheric blanket of greenhouse gases (GHGs; primarily carbon dioxide, methane, and chlorofluorocarbons) that serve to trap reradiated solar energy from escaping into space (Bailey, 2002). This blanket of greenhouse gases is responsible for providing Earth a temperate, stable, and life-sustaining climate. In common parlance, global warming regularly uses interchangeably with climate change. In the present context, it used in a more restricted sense as a driver of global climate change. . The two companies selected for measuring the effects of global warming are the NGOs named Advisory Committee on Trade Policy and Negotiations (ACTPN) and American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO).

Background of the Study

Global warming has become one of the complicated issues the world is facing (Watson, 2001). The largest coal burning power plant in US is producing around 2.5 billion tons of carbon every year. Second largest source of producing carbon dioxide is automobiles producing around 1.5 billion tons of carbon in a year. U.S. official energy Statistics shows that carbon dioxide has been accounted for 80 percentages from greenhouse gas emissions in 2007. Majority of carbon dioxide released from fuels, heating energy, lightening of buildings and cooling. 39 percentage of carbon is emissions from residential and commercial buildings. One-third is released from transportation, and the industrial sector is responsible for 28 percent. City officials have therefore, become increasingly concerned with their efficiency and environmental performance. This has affected the ice from Greenland Glaciers, as well (Ungar, 1998). The ice sheet found disappearing when global warming took place. However, melting of ice on Greenland made water in the sea level rise about 23 feet. However, floods occur due to increase in the sea level, that eventually destroy, the lands and soils and moreover the atmosphere of the region. In my opinion, global warming is a worldwide concern and its effects can be seen already. The oceans which account for over 70% of the earth's surface are critical for human survivalGlobal warming can be simply defined as "human-induced climate change”.

Rationale of the Study

The main rationale behind this study will be to understand the possible causes of the global warming and its effects on the industry. This study will be meant to provide students the knowledge and information about the effects of global warming, the possible causes and the strategies through which the effects ...
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