The Internet Is Having A Negative Effect On The Quality Of Social Life

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The Internet Is Having a Negative Effect on the Quality of Social Life

The Internet Is Having a Negative Effect on the Quality of Social Life


This essay is based on the topic that Internet is having a negative effect on the quality of social life. It is clear that the internet is producing a rapid change in the customs and lifestyles of the people. It is true that Facebook, Twitter and others have harmful effects to our society today. Permanent connection on social networks renders suspicious concerns and creates conflicts between individuals. This broad dissemination of information can worsen their lack of confidence and the thought of betrayal (Valcke, 2010).

The things which are involved as the pros of social networking might be possible to convert it into the cons of social networking that highly precautions for online social networking because your privacy not more belongs to you after sharing that. Privacy is concerned in the several areas which can be identified on online social networking; effective privacy control might helps users to reduce this issue.

Discussion and Analysis

The relationship between high internet usage and increased levels of depression has appeared in several studies. However, there is still much debate about whether depression is the cause or the effect of Internet addiction. Excessive use of the internet may have a negative effect on academic work of young people, their health and their social life. Internet has proven to be an extremely convenient tool for many illegal organizations, such as terrorists and thieves. These people can communicate with each other while remaining distant from each other by thousands of miles. Internet facilitates the exchange of secret information, weapons, drugs, by criminals and illegal organizations (Erbring, 2000). Another reason why I think that the internet is a bad influence on civilization is the fact that people are spending less and less time in places such as libraries, cinemas and theatres. Today, young people do not like to read, because everything can be found online. Protecting the mental health of children and adolescents requires the combined efforts of educational institutions from the family home and the school. Established rules of computer use should greatly reduce the negative impacts of media on the healthy development of young people.

Furthermore, the excessive usage of internet minimizes the non-verbal aspect of communication which is of great importance and anonymity. We cannot see the person you are talking to, make transactions and exchange views. We only try to guess the other person's emotional attitude and facial expressions when running communication. There is also more and more internet addiction among the young which creates negative impact on their relationship with the environment and impairs social interaction. Communication and dialogue in cyberspace has specific characteristics and different from traditional communication. It is vital that internet communication should be guided by compliance with the principles of morality and truth. Our society is facing greater challenges due to these risks and threats of internet activities, these activities should be blocked if we want our ...