The Internet

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The Internet

The Internet


The global system of interconnected computer network that serves billions of users worldwide through internet protocol suite is referred to as internet. Millions of private, public, companies, organizations, business and government networks are supported through internet. It provides extensive resources of information and communication through different resources of it. Internet was developed soon after the development of electronic computers with excessive use of point to point communication only for the commercial traffic. However after the exemption of NSFNET, restrictions over the commercial traffic use of internet were removed. Internet has made a significance contribution to culture and commerce through its excessive use as electronic mail and instant messaging. However, the blogs, discussion forums and social networking and online shopping sites have made drastic impact on commerce and culture. The internet has facilitated to development of the research and education community. Social networking, online information and knowledge, commerce and entertainment have continued to grow through internet.


Billions of users worldwide through a system of interconnected computer networks are being facilitated to use TCP/IP set of network protocols. This is the drastic blessing of an Internet in the modern technology development. This is the most globalized communication system among millions of public, private, business and academic networks. Various electronic and optimal networking technologies are the backbone of international telecommunication developed through the Internet. Internet is not owned by anyone and neither Internet has any such central governing authority. This is due to decentralized design of internet. The centralization sharing of research data is done after the creation of Defense Department to protect Internet from the wartime or terrorist attacks.

Internet and World Wide Web are often related with each other. However both have quite different perspectives. Vast infrastructure of hardware and software to enable computer connectivity is related to internet. On the other hand the interconnected resources through hyperlinks, and hypermedia database connection relates to web. Web is used to navigate internet through different internet browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, internet explorer and Google chrome.

The internet has evolved with a different timeline over the years to make a remarkable contribution to change of world through its advancement in different disciplines of humanity such as art and technology. Internet has always been an emerging deal and emerging technology from its beginning in the late 1950s soon after the development of electronic computers. The success or the ongoing nature of Internet in the modern world has resulted from the chronology development through important development of cultural and technological events. The timeline of internet from the 1950s to 1980s is considered as the development era of the Internet, this is the period of development when millions of users start being facilitated through the use of this technological advancement.

The birth of Internet occurred after the period of 1962, when host computer became as first node of the internet. This was developed in UCLA laboratory of Professor Leonard Klienrock. He was a distinguished computer science professor. In 1969, Professor Leonard made the first message ...
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