The Infrastructure (Road, Bridge, Airway) Development In Laos And Its Impact For Economic Growth And Poverty Reduction

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The infrastructure (road, bridge, airway) development in Laos and its impact for economic growth and poverty reduction


Chapter 01: Introduction1


Area and Topic2

Statement of Purpose2

Research Questions3

Conceptual Framework and Hypothesis3

Chapter 02: Literature Review5



Impacts of Infrastructure on Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction7

The Significance of Infrastruture in Lao PDR9

Issues and Challenges13

Chapter 03: Methodology15

Research Design15

Research Methodology15


Data Collection17

Data Analysis17

Significance of the Study18

Limitations and Scope18



The infrastructural developments such as airways, railway and roads play a vital role in the development and progress of a country or region. There is a link between the infrastructural developments and economic grwoth and poverty reduction. Through building good raods, and porprer transport system, the improved communication an dtravellling assist the ocuntries to undertake uninterrupted trade and be productive on a global level in the successful manner.

The stucy at hand discusses the simialr aspect of infrstrcutural developmenst and their impact on the aspect of economic grwoth and poverty reduction. The current resaerch considers Lao PDR, a small and developing country, and assesses the development of new infrastruture and their impacts on the econimic dimensions of country. The study utilizes qualitative reserach methodlogy and applies the approach of survyes through closed ended questionnaire. A smaple of 50 people from the general public in Laos has been selected to answer the questyions asked with relevance to the subject. The current study is also guided ;by limitations and narrow scope howver it still offers various benefits to students, researchers and academic and management experts.

Chapter 01: Introduction


The development of infrastructure plays a vital part in the poverty alleviation and economic development in Laos. The improvements in the infrastructure of transportation gives rise to certain complicated economic interactions that have exact casual relationship between infrastructure investment and economic growth. Economic growth refers to the essential and fundamental condition that is useful for the purpose of poverty alleviation in an effective manner due to the reason that it is able to promote the development of infrastructure and improve and enhance the living standards of the population (Richards, 2008).

Economic growth contributes in raising the average income of households and poses indirect influence on the matter of reducing poverty by focusing more upon improving the physical and social infrastructure. This is done through the enhancement in investments of state for the purpose of health care, education, and infrastructure development needs. The development of the infrastructure and social sphere is the important element behind the economic growth.

There have been many empirical reviews that portray the insufficient allocation of infrastructure with the excessive presence of absent and poor nature of road infrastructure. The absence of appropriate roads, bridges and airways has been known to be a significant cause for concern in the increased poverty rate of Lao PDR. There has been substantial evidence from various prominent scholars that appropriate attention towards the reformation of roads, bridges and airways would significantly decrease the overall poverty rate. The allocation of substantial investment towards the improvement of road infrastructure has been known to significantly enhance the overall quality of the roads as well as ...