The Influence Of Individual Values On Decision Making

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The Influence of Individual Values on Decision Making

The Influence of Individual Values on Decision Making

The most important management decision you have ever made and how you made it?

Decision making is an important aspect for the employees, as well as, the management. It should be made sure by the companies that they work in the most efficient manner and should also work for the betterment of the business (Yiing Lee , 2009). There are times when leaders have to take tough decisions. In few cases, these decisions may have a negative impact, as well on its subordinates; however, it should be made sure by the leaders that they take decisions wisely. As a leader, I have always made sure that I work in a fair and unbiased manner and ensure that all my subordinates remain motivated and perform their work with complete honesty. For ensuring this, I assure that I too work hard and stay motivated so that they can learn. From my experience, I have learned that decisions are a result of consequential actions and every step is linked to the previous one. Thus it is important to realize that decision making is a tool that helps in managing and helps the managers in helping their subordinates work in the most efficient manner.

The most important management decision that I had to make was to decide whether a huge overhaul in the processes should be implemented or not. I had to weigh the pros and cons of the decision, and also keep in mind that employees will be reluctant in accepting the change. I have been associated with my organization for quite a long time and I am well aware of the working attitudes of all the employees in my department. Looking at the decision from the organization's point of view meant a lot of success and profits for the company; however, on the other hand, the decision would not be very beneficial for the department as the employees will not accept the change wholeheartedly, thus the desired results will not be achieved. The decision was a very tough one and a number of meetings and discussions took place with the upper management regarding the consequences of the decision.

It is very common that employees do not usually accept a change in the processes and the way of working. Thus the decision became even more difficult with the top management pressurizing to implement the decision for the benefit of the organization. In the end, I decided and communicated it to the top management that a cost-benefit analysis should be performed to ensure that this decision will bring profits to the company or else the decision will not be implemented. After a long decision, it was decided that this analysis will be performed and the result of the analysis showed that the decision will increase the profits of the organization by 20 percent. Seeing the results of the analysis, I too was convinced that the change in the processes should be implemented and the ...
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