The Inclusive Classroom

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The Inclusive Classroom

The Inclusive Classroom

Participation Activity

Thinking about the relationship between human information processing and instructional design, identify the most fundamental issue or “problem” to be addressed in relation to classroom learning.

Keeping in mind the relationship between instructional design and human information processing, the fundamental issues and problems related to classroom learning are as follows. The fundamental issues are related to the assessment and grading, where educational testing and assessment are important concepts for classroom learning. The classroom learning also has validity issues. Validity issues must be considered by the teachers within the classroom settings where they must make sure that the students' assessments is related to the classroom learning behaviour being assessed, and the main criteria of valid assessment and communication must be through the knowledge of grades to the students of their achievements and content knowledge. Grades assignment to the grades is also a complex and controversial issue (Fasoli, 2007).

Teachers also seem to have many misunderstandings related to the grades functioning, and often they distribute information in pieces which cannot be obtained by the students in individual academic marks. The teachers have to make sure that the grade is accurate with proper communication. Teachers also tend to assign grades which are invalid and not based on solid principle of measurement. Grading activities opportunities must be provided by the teachers to students to face the grading activities so that assessment principles and theory can be practiced to sort out classroom grading issues.

Would students with an emotional anxiety be more likely to assimilate or accommodate challenging information? How might this impact on the use of Vygotsky's ZPD as a teaching strategy for the student?

Students having emotional anxiety can have an effect on the challenging information they receiver; either they will assimilate it or accommodate it. Challenging information means that the children with emotional anxiety gain new information in various phases where they initially are confused. Emotional anxiety increases the confusion where incompatibilities and inconsistencies also increase where the students has to confront the information and its construction. With time, the confusion tends to increase which causes doubts in new information assimilation. The students get threatened that the new information can be left abandoned or discarded.

Vygotsky's ZPD refers to the distance between the between the actual development and the potential development determined by problem solving with the guidance of teachers.

The teaching strategy using ZPD is done when the teacher establishes the relation between the experience, content and the teacher. They main ZPD strategy is the learning while using the language to build the relationship. The teacher's strategy must be such that it must run ahead of the child learning development. Student with emotional anxiety may fear risk in participating in classroom discussions where he may not gain an important feedback for his development of understanding. The teacher must use learning strategies to support learning and emotional growth (Anderson, 2001).

How can the behavioural model of learning be used to promote meta-cognition in students?

The meta-cognition in students can be promoted ...
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