The Improvement And Plan Of American Education

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The Improvement and Plan of American Education

The Improvement and Plan of American Education


This paper intends to talk about the improvement and plan of American Education. Education remains one of the most important aspects of any society. No society can survive and develop without proper plans for education. American society is known for its educational development; however there are certain underlying problems which are usually witnessed within every ongoing plan. The demographic and economic changes are assumed to be the basic problems that hinder the completion of plans. The significance of education cannot be denied and the American society is growing only on the basis of underlying educational facilities. This paper will make the reader aware about the significance and improvement within the plans of American Education.


Americans are assumed to believe more in the basic education; however, the neglecting attitude of Americans towards secondary education is making the future of our society at risk. Educational institutions must work for empowering the students and making them completely aware about the different situations. Higher education is also very important and Americans must focus on gaining higher education as well as they focuses on the attainment of basic education. The role of educational institutions is extremely important and the attitude of educational institutions must focus on the provision of quality education rather than focusing on 'money making' aspect, if the society really wants to witness development (Burden, 2000).

Education system in the United States is controlled by the public sector. Education is given extreme importance within United States and children education has been made compulsory. However, the distinctions between the elementary schools and the higher education system make the education system a little complex to understand. The most disturbing part is that the ages for compulsory education vary from state to state. There is no restriction for the age limits of compulsory education form the federal level and I believe that becomes the reason that United States is going behind within the field of education from China and India. The most important and significant part of education system remains the schooling system (Gardner, 2005).

Secondary education in United States refers to the last six or seven years of formal education. The secondary education is split between the middle school and junior high school. Often beginning with sixth or seven grade around age 11 or 12. High school students who were achieving the minimal core competencies in basic skill classes, such as reading, are planning to enroll in post-secondary classes after graduation. Many of these students will most likely enroll in a community college. One community college in Arizona witnessed thousands of unprepared students attempting to enroll at the community college. In 2009, 89% of their students who were new students and recent graduates from high school were not prepared for higher education. Flores (2009) reported that 35% did not read at the college level, and 51% did not meet the college writing standards. In addition to the assessment testing, the college intended to ...
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