The Impact Of Training And Development On Organization And Employee Performance In The Ministry Of Interior In The State Of Qatar - Summary

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First: Research Problem:

The aim of this research is to examine the impact of training and development on organization and performance in the ministry of interior n the state of Qatar. The research is designed to answer the following questions:

1\1- What is the impact of training policy in Ministry of Interior on the expected turnover?

1\2- What is the impact of development and training of the employees in Qatar on the performance of the employees?

1\3- What is the impact of seniority, qualification, and experience on the level of motivation of employees in Qatar?

Second: Research Objectives:

Based on the research problem and questions, the objectives of this research are:

2\1- To evaluate the effectiveness of employees' development and training for organizational processes

2\2- To evaluate effectiveness of employee development and training programs as the tools for enhancing the employee performance through investigating the views of management of organization

2\3- To discuss the need of introducing the legal authorization of salary and/or promotion increase after the training and development procedures in Qatar

Third: Research Hypotheses:

This research was designed to test the following hypotheses:

3\1- H1o: There isn't a significant impact of training policy in Ministry of Interior on the expected turnover.

3\2- H1a: There is a significant impact of training policy in Ministry of Interior on the expected turnover.

3\3- H2o: There isn't a significant impact of development and training on employees' performance and quality of work

3\4- H2a: There is a significant impact of development and training on employees' performance and quality of work

3\5- H3o: There isn't a significant impact of seniority, qualification, and experience on the level of motivation of employees.

3\6- H3a: There is a significant impact of seniority, qualification, and experience on the level of motivation of employees.

Fourth: Research Methodology:

To implement this research, the researcher depended upon the following:

4\1- Exploratory Study: A complete literature review undertaken to identify the variables that need to be tested.

4\2- Descriptive Study: A survey research conducted with the purpose of understanding the perceptions of supervisors and employees in the Ministry of Interior regarding the adequacy of its promotion policy in regard to their training, development, and expertise indicators.

4\3- Statistical Study: Statistical description of the collected data, test of hypotheses through analysis of variance, and correlation between training policy, turnover, performance, and motivation.

Different statistical techniques were used to test the research hypotheses including:

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