The Impact Of Differentiation On Diverse Pedagogical Practices

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The Impact of Differentiation on Diverse Pedagogical Practices

The Impact of Differentiation on Diverse Pedagogical Practices


In contemporary education and learning paradigm the role of differentiated pedagogy is said to be critical and important for it enhances the learning capability of children by considering them as prime entities in their own academic and intellectual growth. Differentiated pedagogy helps children's assimilation in schools. It is important for teachers to adapt the differentiated pedagogy tools in their practices in accordance with the multicultural diversity present in classroom settings.

With diverse cultural background present in the classroom it has become evidently important for teachers to value the practice of differentiated pedagogy. Differentiated pedagogy is considered to be an approach to teaching that ensures that every student present in classroom learns well irrespective of the differences that exist between them. Differentiation is not a new concept; the teachers in the past have amalgamated their teaching style with this approach to attain better outcomes in students learning.

Objective of Research

The objective of research is to assay how does differentiation impact on diverse pedagogical practices.


Identification of Differentiated Pedagogy

Differentiated pedagogy was first introduced in 1920 by Helen Parkhurst and the Dalton Plan. The objective of differentiated pedagogy introduced at that time was to shape up every student's program according to the needs, abilities and interests of the student. The students were introduced to the teacher at the start of the academic year and in the guidance of the teacher were able to identify their weak and strong interest subjects (Munro, 2012). The teacher was to give priority to the students irrespective of what cultural background he would belong to. Through differentiated pedagogy, the students were able to find teachers and other fellow students in specific subject and would engage in mutual work with them according to their needs (Gillies & Carrington, 2004).

Differentiated Pedagogy in Teaching Practice

Students today have diverse and different approaches in a class. For better and enhanced learning a teacher must look for ways through which he can unite diverse set of minds into one using his instructions in a manner that every student is treated equally, and no one is treated unfairly.

In past education was treated as sieve where there lied a line of demarcation between good and weak students. The weak students were left behind while the good ones were promoted to the next level of their academic year (Santamaria, 2009). But with advancement in every sector of life, education too has improvised with interactive and beneficial approaches and practices. Such practices have made the line of demarcation transparent and foster teachers make learning better for all the students present in his class. It has become the foremost duty of teachers to cater each and every student equally and enhance ways through which the students are able to enhance their learning capabilities in a more constructive manner (Santamaria, 2009).

The best teaching practices is one that gives importance to all learners in a classroom and focuses on the differences innate to educational, cultural linguistic and ...
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